Raimundas Malašauskas
Published by KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz; Kunstverein Publishing, Amsterdam; Baltish Arts Magazine, Vilnius; and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2024, 132 pp. (b/w ill.), 12 × 19.5 cm, English
Price: €22

Edited by Tom Engels, Yana Foqué & Krist Gruijthuijsen, preface by Maxine Kopsa.

SUZON—both a reprint of Raimundas Malašauskas sold-out book Paper Exhibition from 2012 and a new collection of writings by the author that have happened since—offers a window onto Malašauskas’ worldview, based on collective improvisation, congregation and continuous drift. It includes essays, exhibition guides, personal letters, song lyrics, an opening speech and a cocktail recipe offering a glimpse of what perhaps in a few years we will look back upon as L’esprit du temps.

#2024 #algirdasseskus #elenanarbutaite #gintarasdidziapetris #godabudvytyte #grazerkunstverein #jillmulleady #kristgruijthuijsen #kunstvereinpublishing #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #lydiagifford #mariahassabi #maxinekopsa #pandaijing #raimundasmalasauskas #ronjaandersen #rosalindnashashibi #tomengels #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #yanafoque
Christopher D’Arcangelo
Published by Kunstverein, Amsterdam & Artists Space, New York, 2023, 232 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.7 × 28 cm, English
Price: €40

Despite having been active for only four years before passing away at the young age of twenty-four, Christopher D’Arcangelo (1955–1979) is a key, though lesser known, figure of 1970s Institutional Critique in New York City. Even generations later, D’Arcangelo’s singular approach remains wholly unique in its radicality and generosity. This first estate-approved monograph illuminates his momentous practice after many decades of limited access to the materials surrounding it.

The publication also includes new contributions from figures who have punctuated D’Arcangelo’s practice—such as Peter Nadin, Daniel Buren, Louise Lawler and Janelle Reiring—as well as photographic contributions by artist Heji Shin. Edited by Yana Foqué and Isabelle Sully. Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#2023 #artistsspace #christopherdarcangelo #hejishin #isabellesully #jaysanders #kunstvereinamsterdam #louiselawler #marchollenstein #yanafoque
Who’s Werner
Published by Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, 2019, exhibition pamphlet, 16 pp. (b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, English/Lithuanian
Price: €5

Exhibition pamphlet produced on the occasion of the first instalment of the exhibition Who’s Werner? at Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, 6 September–3 November 2019. Who’s Werner? was a spacial conversation constructed by Yana Foqué that explores artistic practices that have become intertwined and focuses on the role of a figure whose work is commonly kept a public secret. It looks into some mutualistic relationships between artists in various disciplines and their assistants; producers; sometimes lovers.

Including the work for and by Céline Condorelli, Denise Scott Brown, Elle Burchill, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Raoul De Keyser, James Langdon, John Baldessari, Jonas Mekas, Lucy Skaer, Margot Sandeman, Norman Laich, Paul Robbrecht, Robert Venturi, Simon Harlow, Benjamin Roth, Laura Kaminskaitė.

Designed by Nerijus Rimkus.

#2019 #celinecondorelli #ephemera #ianhamiltonfinlay #johnbaldessari #jonasmekas #lucyskaer #nerijusrimkus #raouldekeyser #yanafoque
10 Years KV
Published by Kunstverein Publishing, Amsterdam, 2019, 310 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, English
Price: €25

Kunstverein is essentially a curatorial office that offers lectures, presentations, screenings, and independent publishing. Because of its unconventional structure, it allows alternative methods to be considered in terms of presentation, hosting, and exhibition-making. This extensive anthology looks back at the past decade of their activity, from 2009 to 2019, and is filled with ephemera, images of performances and shows, bulletins, and much more. With contributions by Yana Foqué, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Anthony Huberman, and Maxine Kopsa.

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#2019 #anthonyhuberman #kristgruijthuijsen #kunstvereinamsterdam #kunstvereinpublishing #marchollenstein #maxinekopsa #yanafoque
Who’s Werner
Published by Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, 2019, card, 14.8 × 10.5 cm, Lithuanian
Price: €3

Invitation produced on the occasion of the first instalment of the exhibition Who’s Werner? at Contemporary Art Centre (CAC), Vilnius, 6 September–3 November, 2019. Who’s Werner? was a spacial conversation constructed by Yana Foqué that explores artistic practices that have become intertwined and focuses on the role of a figure whose work is commonly kept a public secret. It looks into some mutualistic relationships between artists in various disciplines and their assistants; producers; sometimes lovers.

Including the work for and by Céline Condorelli, Denise Scott Brown, Elle Burchill, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Raoul De Keyser, James Langdon, John Baldessari, Jonas Mekas, Lucy Skaer, Margot Sandeman, Norman Laich, Paul Robbrecht, Robert Venturi, Simon Harlow, Benjamin Roth, Laura Kaminskaitė.

Designed by Nerijus Rimkus.

More information on the exhibition can be found here.

#2019 #ephemera #ianhamiltonfinlay #johnbaldessari #jonasmekas #kunstvereinamsterdam #lucyskaer #nerijusrimkus #raouldekeyser #robertventuri #yanafoque
Who’s Werner
Published by Kunstverein, Amsterdam, 2019, 8 pp., 17 × 24 cm, English
Price: €5

Exhibition pamphlet produced on the occasion of the exhibition Who’s Werner? at Kunstverein Amsterdam, 23 November–21 December, 2019. Curated by Yana Foqué, Who’s Werner? is a spacial conversation that explores artistic practices that have become intertwined and focuses on the role of a figure whose work is commonly kept a public secret. It looks into some mutualistic relationships between artists in various disciplines and their assistants; producers; sometimes lovers.

Including the work of Céline Condorelli, Denise Scott Brown, Elle Burchill, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Raoul De Keyser, James Langdon, John Baldessari, Jonas Mekas, Lucy Skaer, Margot Sandeman, Norman Laich, Paul Robbrecht, Robert Venturi, Simon Harlow, Jan-Philipp Hopf, Laura Kaminskaitė.

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#denisescottbrown #ephemera #ianhamiltonfinlay #johnbaldessari #jonasmekas #kunstvereinamsterdam #lucyskaer #marchollenstein #raouldekeyser #robertventuri #yanafoque