Suzon/Paper Exhibition
Raimundas Malašauskas
Published by KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz; Kunstverein Publishing, Amsterdam; Baltish Arts Magazine, Vilnius; and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2024, 132 pp. (b/w ill.), 12 × 19.5 cm, English
Price: €22

Edited by Tom Engels, Yana Foqué & Krist Gruijthuijsen, preface by Maxine Kopsa.

SUZON—both a reprint of Raimundas Malašauskas sold-out book Paper Exhibition from 2012 and a new collection of writings by the author that have happened since—offers a window onto Malašauskas’ worldview, based on collective improvisation, congregation and continuous drift. It includes essays, exhibition guides, personal letters, song lyrics, an opening speech and a cocktail recipe offering a glimpse of what perhaps in a few years we will look back upon as L’esprit du temps.

#algirdasseskus #elenanarbutaite #gintarasdidziapetris #godabudvytyte #grazerkunstverein #jillmulleady #kristgruijthuijsen #kunstvereinpublishing #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #lydiagifford #mariahassabi #maxinekopsa #pandaijing #raimundasmalasauskas #ronjaandersen #rosalindnashashibi #tomengels #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #yanafoque
Bill 5
Published by Bill, Brussels, 2024, 192 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 31 cm, English
Price: €40

Bill is an annual magazine of photographic stories without any accompanying text to prioritise visual reading without distraction. Designed, edited, and produced by Julie Peeters and associate editor Elena Narbutaitė, it includes contributions by Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, filmmaker Gillian Garcia, Swiss visual artist Beat Streuli, Takashi Homma, Adrianna Glaviano, French visual artist Mimosa Echard, British-Palestinian artist Rosalind Nashashibi, Martiniano shoes, and Amsterdam photography studio Blommers/Schumm.

#2024 #adriannaglaviano #beatstreuli #bill #blommersschumm #elenanarbutaite #gilliangarcia #jochenlempert #juliepeeters #ketutaaleximeskhishvili #mimosaechard #photography #rosalindnashashibi #takashihomma
Published by Bill, Brussels, 2022, 184 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 31 cm, English
Price: €40 (Out of stock)

Bill is an annual magazine of photographic stories without any accompanying text to prioritise visual reading without distraction. Designed, edited, and produced by designer Julie Peeters and associate editor Elena Narbutaite, this issue contains 184 offset printed pages on thirteen different paper stocks. Contributions for this issue include George Tourkovasilis, Cinzia Ruggeri through the lenses of Ilvio Gallo and Occhiomagico, SC103’s first runway, Inge Grognard, Adrianna Glaviano, the contact sheets of Santi Caleca, Rosalind Nashashibi, as well as magazine spreads from Anders Edström, Curtis Cuffie, and Hans Hollein.

#2022 #andersedstrom #bill #cinziaruggeri #curtiscuffie #elenanarbutaite #fashion #georgetourkovasilis #hanshollein #ingegrognard #juliepeeters #photography #rosalindnashashibi #sc103
The Registry Of Promise
Chris Sharp
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015, 204 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 29 cm, English
Price: €31

Over the course of approximately one year, The Registry of Promise consisted of four autonomous, interrelated exhibitions, which can be read as individual chapters in a book. In this series, Chris Sharp reflects on our increasingly fraught relationship with what the future may or may not hold, and the work engages with and plays upon the various readings and mutability of “promise”, along with the inevitability of what may come, whether positive or negative. Such polyvalence is particularly topical, as we have shifted from the anthropocentric promise of modernity to a negative faith in the post-human.

Including artists Becky Beasley, Patrick Bernatchez, Juliette Blightman, Peter Buggenhout, Nina Canell, Michael Dean, Alexander Gutke, Jochen Lempert, Jean-Luc Moulène, Marlie Mul, Matt Mullican, Rosalind Nashashibi, Antoine Nessi, Jean-Marie Perdrix, Reto Pulfer, Mandla Reuter, Hans Schabus, Lucy Skaer, Michael E. Smith, Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli, Francisco Tropa, Andy Warhol, Anicka Yi.

#anickayi #beckybeasley #chrissharp #jeanlucmoulene #jochenlempert #julietteblightman #lucyskaer #mattmullican #michaeldean #michaelesmith #ninacanell #peterbuggenhout #romapublications #rosalindnashashibi
Rosalind Nashashibi
Published by Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen & ICA, London, 2009, 96 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Rosalind Nashashibi’s solo exhibition in Bergen Kunsthall was the largest presentation in Scandinavia so far of Nashashibi’s work and covered her most important films from recent years, as well as photographic works. Nashashibi’s films are poetic observations of everyday events. The camera dwells on the social interaction that arises in human relations where the actors seem to hesitate between simply ‘being themselves’ and playing various socially defined roles. The artist makes effective use of the cinematic qualities of 16 mm film, and consciously uses the film medium’s quality to create a fundamentally time-based experience. Despite documentary restraint, Nashashibi’s films are not documentary films. They are as much poetic film collages, coloured by a subjective camera eye where the artist’s presence is always palpable.

#2009 #rosalindnashashibi
Bill 1
Julie Peeters (ed.)
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2018, 176 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 31 cm, English
Price: €22 (Out of stock)

First issue of an annual magazine of photographic stories, edited and designed by Julie Peeters. Twelve contributors present new or previously unpublished work. BILL prioritizes visual reading without distraction, the images that appear in the magazine are printed without any accompanying text. Contributors to the first issue are: Jochen Lempert, Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Katja Mater, Elena Narbutaite, Rosalind Nashashibi & Vivian Suter, Arthur Ou, Scott Ponik, Adam Putnam, Johannes Schwartz, Algirdas Šeškus, Linda van Deursen, and Stand Up Comedy.

#2018 #adamputnam #bill #elenanarbutaite #jochenlempert #johannesschwartz #juliepeeters #katjamater #ketutaaleximeskhishvili #lindavandeursen #photography #romapublications #rosalindnashashibi #scottponik #viviansuter