Raimundas Malašauskas
Published by KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Grazer Kunstverein, Graz; Kunstverein Publishing, Amsterdam; Baltish Arts Magazine, Vilnius; and Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2024, 132 pp. (b/w ill.), 12 × 19.5 cm, English
Price: €22

Edited by Tom Engels, Yana Foqué & Krist Gruijthuijsen, preface by Maxine Kopsa.

SUZON—both a reprint of Raimundas Malašauskas sold-out book Paper Exhibition from 2012 and a new collection of writings by the author that have happened since—offers a window onto Malašauskas’ worldview, based on collective improvisation, congregation and continuous drift. It includes essays, exhibition guides, personal letters, song lyrics, an opening speech and a cocktail recipe offering a glimpse of what perhaps in a few years we will look back upon as L’esprit du temps.

#2024 #algirdasseskus #elenanarbutaite #gintarasdidziapetris #godabudvytyte #grazerkunstverein #jillmulleady #kristgruijthuijsen #kunstvereinpublishing #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #lydiagifford #mariahassabi #maxinekopsa #pandaijing #raimundasmalasauskas #ronjaandersen #rosalindnashashibi #tomengels #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #yanafoque
Color and Device
Gintaras Didžiapetris
Published by Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius & Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art, Genova, 2013, 72 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 17 × 23 cm, English
Price: €20

Artist’s book published on the occasion of Gintaras Didžiapetris’ solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius 5 April–19 May, 2013, as well as different versions of the exhibition which were on view at Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, and Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa. Designed by Goda Budvytytė.

#2013 #cacvilnius #gintarasdidziapetris #godabudvytyte
The Classic of In Passing
Gintaras Didžiapetris
Published by Six Chairs Books, Vilnius, 2022, 64 pages with insert (colour & b/w ill.), 27.5 × 25 cm, English
Price: €44

The Classic of In Passing consists of three micro-books containing images from Taipei and Tokyo from 2017–2019. This publication extends 2015’s House, an artist’s book published by the Bordeaux Museum of Contemporary Art (CAPC). Produced by Inesa Brašiškė.

The multifarious practice of Vilnius-based artist Gintaras Didžiapetris (b 1985) thrives on paradox, and the navigation between past and present. Didžiapetris often uses memory as a springboard from which to articulate, question, or proliferate meaning. And while the base elements of logic or myth are perhaps insufficient ways to form narrative paths through the artists’ work, the unlikely collision of both go some way in describing Didžiapetris’ conceptual challenges.

#2022 #gintarasdidziapetris #sixchairsbooks
The Federal #1
Jonas Žakaitis, Gintaras Didžiapetris, Aurime Aleksandravičiūtė (Ed.)
Published by Tulips & Roses, Brussels, 2011, 32 pages (b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €5

The Federal is a periodical of artist’s writings published by Brussels gallery, Tulips and Roses.

Contributors to this issue: Gintaras Didžiapetris, Graham Harman, Raimundas Malašauskas, Snowden Snowden, Jonas Žakaitis.

#2011 #gintarasdidziapetris #jonaszakaitis #raimundasmalasauskas
The Federal #2
Jonas Žakaitis, Gintaras Didžiapetris, Aurime Aleksandravičiūtė (Ed.)
Published by Tulips & Roses, Brussels, 2011, 32 pages (b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €5

The Federal is a periodical of artist’s writings published by Brussels gallery, Tulips and Roses.

Contributors to this issue: Christopher Fraga, Elena Narbutaite, Jonas Žakaitis, Gintaras Didžiapetris in conversation with Paul Sietsema, and Jonas Žakaitis in conversation with Christopher Witmore

#2011 #elenanarbutaite #gintarasdidziapetris #jonaszakaitis #paulsietsema
Bill 2
Julie Peeters (ed.)
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2019, 184 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 31 cm, English
Price: €22 (Out of stock)

Bill 2 is the second issue of an annual magazine of photographic stories, edited and designed by Julie Peeters. Twelve contributors present new or previously unpublished work. Bill prioritizes visual reading without distraction, the images that appear in the magazine are printed without any accompanying text. Contributors to the second issue are: Gintaras Didziapetris, Jason Dodge, Archiv Hans Hollein, Inge Ketelers, Tadashi Kurahashi by Tadanori Yokoo–Tadanori Yokoo by Tadashi Kurahashi, Jochen Lempert, Raimundas Malasauskas, Bart Julius Peters / T L P S, Reto Schmid, Megan Francis Sullivan, Linda van Deursen, Ann Woo, and Jiajia Zhang.

#2019 #bartjuliuspeters #bill #gintarasdidziapetris #ingeketelers #jasondodge #jochenlempert #juliepeeters #lindavandeursen #meganfrancissullivan #photography #raimundasmalasauskas #romapublications