Bernadette Mayer
Published by Fivehundred places, Berlin, 2024, unpaginated, 11.7 × 15 cm cm, English
Price: €13

This series of translations from fivehundred places is designed to explore some of the outer reaches of translation. Each book in the series is dedicated to multiple translations of a single poem. Inspired by a comment from Ilya Kaminsky about how translation should open windows and not create mirrors, artists, dancers, musicians, poets, philosophers, curators, writers and visual thinkers were invited to imagine translations from their unique perspective, using a poem as a starting point, to make a version of that poem.

Bernadette Mayer’s I am a common Merganzer..., is translated by: Ilya Kaminsky and Katie Ferris, Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Jennifer Lacey, Jochen Lempert, Dorothea Lasky, Raimundas Malasauskas, Donika Kelly, Luca Lo Pinto, Eva Barto, Nina Canell & Robin Watkins, Claire Fontaine, Imaad Majeed

#2024 #bernadettemayer #clairefontaine #donikakelly #dorothealasky #evabarto #fivehundredplaces #ilyakaminsky #imaadmajeed #jochenlempert #katieferris #ketutaaleximeskhishvili #lucalopinto #ninacanell #poetry #raimundasmalasauskas
The Registry Of Promise
Chris Sharp
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015, 204 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 29 cm, English
Price: €31

Over the course of approximately one year, The Registry of Promise consisted of four autonomous, interrelated exhibitions, which can be read as individual chapters in a book. In this series, Chris Sharp reflects on our increasingly fraught relationship with what the future may or may not hold, and the work engages with and plays upon the various readings and mutability of “promise”, along with the inevitability of what may come, whether positive or negative. Such polyvalence is particularly topical, as we have shifted from the anthropocentric promise of modernity to a negative faith in the post-human.

Including artists Becky Beasley, Patrick Bernatchez, Juliette Blightman, Peter Buggenhout, Nina Canell, Michael Dean, Alexander Gutke, Jochen Lempert, Jean-Luc Moulène, Marlie Mul, Matt Mullican, Rosalind Nashashibi, Antoine Nessi, Jean-Marie Perdrix, Reto Pulfer, Mandla Reuter, Hans Schabus, Lucy Skaer, Michael E. Smith, Carlo Gabriele Tribbioli, Francisco Tropa, Andy Warhol, Anicka Yi.

#anickayi #beckybeasley #chrissharp #jeanlucmoulene #jochenlempert #julietteblightman #lucyskaer #mattmullican #michaeldean #michaelesmith #ninacanell #peterbuggenhout #romapublications #rosalindnashashibi
Other Mechanisms
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2018, 144 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 21 cm, English
Price: €36

In his catalogue essay, curator Anthony Huberman explains that the works in this exhibition ‘reflect on what it could mean to contest the regime of the machine’. That is, they question the worship of usefulness in modern scientific civilisation, which is refused or even ridiculed by each piece on show. It’s a strong concept, and potentially extends to how the works are placed in the labyrinthine space of the Secession. If the point is to produce friction, then the disorganisation of Other Mechanisms—the inability of its parts to add up to a coherent whole—is a paradoxical form of success.

Concept: Anthony Huberman. Texts: Jennifer Alexander, Franco Berardi, Benjamin H. Bratton, Gilles Châtelet, Gilles Deleuze, Keller Easterling, Vilém Flusser, Sigfried Gideon, Martin Heidegger, Anthony Huberman, K.G. Hultén, Maurizio Lazzarato, Pamela Lee, Les Levine, Jean-François Lyotard, Robert King Merton, Meredith Meredith, Lewis Mumford, Gerald Raunig, Nishant Shah, Robert Snowden, Joseph Vogl. Images: Zarouhie Abdalian, Lutz Bacher, Nairy Baghramian, Eva Barto, Patricia L. Boyd, Nina Canell & Robin Watkins, Jay DeFeo, Trisha Donnelly, Harun Farocki, Howard Fried, Jacob Kassay, Garry Neill Kennedy, Frederick Kiesler, Pope.L, Louise Lawler, Sam Lewitt, Park McArthur, Jean-Luc Moulène, Cameron Rowland, Sturtevant, Danh Vo.

#2018 #anthonyhuberman #cameronrowland #danhvo #evabarto #francobifoberardi #garryneillkennedy #gillesdeleuze #harunfarocki #jaydefeo #jeanlucmoulene #kellereasterling #louiselawler #lutzbacher #mauriziolazzarato #nairybaghramian #ninacanell #parkmcarthur #patricialboyd #popel #robertsnowden #samlewitt #sturtevant #trishadonnelly #zarouhieabdalian