WOLS Photograph
Published by Schirmer/Mosel, München, 1979, 102 pages (b/w ill.), 20.2 × 20.2 cm, German
Price: €20 (Out of stock)

Published on the occasion of Wols Photograph, at Museum Ludwig, Köln, 31 January–11 March, 1979. Wols was the pseudonym of Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze (27 May 1913, Berlin–1 September 1951, Paris), a German painter and photographer predominantly active in France. Though broadly unrecognized in his lifetime, he is considered a pioneer of lyrical abstraction, one of the most influential artists of the Tachisme movement.

#1979 #museumludwig #photography #wols
Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat zie je er toch niks van
Sanne Kabalt
Published by Sanne Kabalt, 2018, 96 pages (b/w ill.), 11.5 × 18.4 cm, Dutch/English
Price: €25

Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat zie je er toch niks van / As long as you don’t talk about problems so much you won’t see them anyway is a photobook about empathy in psychiatry. Portraits of people in conversation and observations in body language are combined with textual dialogues. This project originated during a residency in Het Vijfde Seizoen, the residency on the terrain of a psychiatric institution in Den Dolder, NL. In the book you are made to ponder the (in)ability to place yourself into another’s shoes, the absurdity of mental illness as well as the familiarity and humanity of those who suffer from voices in their head, delusions, psychoses and depression. The title is a quote from one of the portrayed patients and brings to doubt the work itself and the possibility to photograph something that is so complicated.

#2018 #photography #sannekabalt