Optimundus: M HKA 08 02 13 - 19 05 13
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin; M HKA, Antwerp & Kunsthalle Wien, 2013, 68 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18 × 24 cm, English
Price: €19

Optimundus accompanies Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys’s major exhibition at M HKA of the same title—the term they use for their particular conception of the parallel world. Narratives and criticism by Michael Van den Abeele, Nav Haq, Jennifer Krasinksi, Dieter Roelstraete, and artist Peter Wächtler are presented along with photos, drawings, and text illustrating the unsteady barriers and tense contact between Optimundus and the real world.

#2013 #dieterroelstraete #josdegruyterandharaldthys #michaelvandenabeele #navhaq #peterwachtler #sternbergpress
Published by Claude Balls Int., 2023, 416 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 28.5 cm, English/French
Price: €48 (Out of stock)

Edited by Marie Angeletti with Gianmaria Andreetta and Camilla Wills.

Paradis is a continuation of the eponymous exhibition conceived by artist Marie Angeletti in Marseilles in 2021. The exhibition brought together 56 artists of different origins and generations. More than just a transcription of this event, this catalogue brings together some one hundred contributions, combining critical texts, poetry, artists’ writings and new translations, alongside an equally large number of visual contributions and ad hoc works, most of them previously unpublished.

#adrianmorris #angharadwilliams #bradleykronz #camillawills #cathywilkes #charlottehouette #dangraham #eleanorivoryweber #fannyhowe #genebeery #georgiasagri #gianmariaandreetta #giannasurangkanjanajai #hanschristiandany #hejishin #helenefauquet #helmutdraxler #henrikolesen #inkameisner #jacquelinemesmaeker #jilljohnston #jimmiedurham #johnkelsey #johnmiller #julieault #lilyvanderstokker #louiselawler #marianordman #marieangeletti #martinbeck #meganfrancissullivan #michaelasher #michaelvandenabeele #michelegrafandselinagruter #moragkeil #nicoleantoniaspagnola #ninakonnemann #olgabalema #peterfend #peterwachtler #pierrebalblanc #richardhawkins #robertgrosvenor #samueljeffery #saradereadt #sarahrapson #simoneforti #stevenwarwick #sturtevant #valerieknoll #wadeguyton #winmccarthy