Renovation = Expulsion
Michael Asher
Published by Le Nouveau Musée, Villeurbanne, 1991, 208 pages (b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, French / English
Price: €34 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Michael Asher’s exhibition proposal for Le Nouveau Musée, Villeurbanne, a collaboration between the artist and various public housing organisations in Lyon, France.

#1991 #michaelasher
Michael Asher
Published by Le Consortium, Dijon, 1992, 96 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 27 cm, English / French
Price: €28

Produced on the occasion of Michael Asher’s exhibition at Le Consortium Dijon, 7 June–27 July, 1991.

The work on show in Dijon depicted the heating systems in the basements of sixteen of the well-known architectural landmarks in a city famous for its tourism. On the walls of the exhibition space Asher exactly reproduced the schematic engineering diagrams of interior axial cuts for the heaters belonging to each of the buildings chosen. Painted in black at the same height as the actual heaters, the diagrams, on a purely formal level, presented eccentric shapes and seemingly abstract designs while expressing vigilant precision and regulated linearity.

#1992 #leconsortium #michaelasher
Reports from the Conceptual Paradise
Stefan Römer
Published by Edition Metzel, Munich, 2007, 68 pages (b/w ill.), 13.8 × 19.7 cm, German / English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced following the film project Conceptual Paradise, for which Stefan Römer conducted numerous interviews with internationally outstanding artists and art theorists for four years. With short texts by the artists interviewed in the film including; artists: Vito Acconci, Art & Language (Michael Baldwin, Mel Ramsden), Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Hartmut Bitomsky, Mel Bochner, Gregg Bordowitz, Klaus vom Bruch, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Luis Camnitzer, Jan Dibbets, Mark Dion, Sam Durant, Valie EXPORT, Stano Filko, Andrea Fraser, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Renée Green, Shilpa Gupta, Hans Haacke, Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Joseph Kosuth, Sonia Khurana, David Lamelas, Sol LeWitt, Thomas Locher, Marcel Odenbach, Yoko Ono, John Miller, Christian Philipp Muller, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Peter Weibel, Lawrence Weiner, Stephen Willats, Heimo Zobernig and curators/theorists: Alexander Alberro, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Sabeth Buchmann, Charles Harrison (Art & Language), Geeta Kapoor, Geert Lovink, Seth Siegelaub, Gregor Stemmrich.

A trailer for the film can be seen here.

#adrianpiper #allansekula #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #danielburen #hanshaacke #heimozobernig #jirikovanda #johnbaldessari #josephkosuth #juliuskoller #lawrenceweiner #luiscamnitzer #michaelasher #reneegreen #sethsiegelaub #stanofilko #stephenwillats #valieexport #yvonnerainer
Le Consortium, Dijon
Michael Asher
Published by Le Consortium, Dijon, 1991, 16 colour postcards, 15 × 10.5 cm, French
Price: €20 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Michael Asher’s exhibition at Le Consortium Dijon, 7 June–27 July, 1991.

The work on show in Dijon depicted the heating systems in the basements of sixteen of the well-known architectural landmarks in a city famous for its tourism. On the walls of the exhibition space Asher exactly reproduced the schematic engineering diagrams of interior axial cuts for the heaters belonging to each of the buildings chosen. Painted in black at the same height as the actual heaters, the diagrams, on a purely formal level, presented eccentric shapes and seemingly abstract designs while expressing vigilant precision and regulated linearity.

A set of color postcards, meant to have been sold in the city at souvenir stores and available for viewing and purchase at the reception desk, completed the exhibition as a whole. The photographs of the heaters-displayed on postcards as if they were historic monuments or scenic views-correlated with the schematic wall drawings, grounding them in the functional reality of furnaces composed of oil burners, water heaters, pressure tanks, gages, pipes, and so on.

#1991 #ephemera #leconsortium #michaelasher
A Brief History of Invisible Art
Ralph Rugoff
Published by CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2006, 65 pages (b/w ill.), 15.5 × 22 cm, English
Price: €14 (Out of stock)

A Brief History of Invisible Art is a fully illustrated catalog with essay by Ralph Rugoff, which brings together artworks from six decades that place a pronounced emphasis on the conceptual and communicative possibilities of the work of art, while bypassing its seeming requirements of visibility and materiality. In surveying this terrain, the exhibition includes works that represent a wide range of aesthetic practices and that engage with surprisingly diverse concerns. Whether underscoring the role of the audience, mocking the theological aura of museum rhetoric or calling attention to the importance of linguistic description in cultural production, these works prompt us to see through the more grandiose distractions of contemporary art and so to think more clearly about its underlying functions.

Featured Artists: Art & Language, Michael Asher, Robert Barry, James Lee Byars, Maurizio Cattelan, Jay Chung, Trisha Donnelly, Tom Friedman, Carsten Höller, Bethan Huws, Bruno Jakob, Yves Klein, Glenn Ligon, Jonathan Monk, Gianni Motti, Andy Warhol.

#artamplanguage #ccawattisinstitute #jamesleebyars #jaychung #mauriziocattelan #michaelasher #ralphrugoff #robertbarry #trishadonnelly #yvesklein