Bernadette Mayer
Published by Fivehundred places, Berlin, 2024, unpaginated, 11.7 × 15 cm cm, English
Price: €13

This series of translations from fivehundred places is designed to explore some of the outer reaches of translation. Each book in the series is dedicated to multiple translations of a single poem. Inspired by a comment from Ilya Kaminsky about how translation should open windows and not create mirrors, artists, dancers, musicians, poets, philosophers, curators, writers and visual thinkers were invited to imagine translations from their unique perspective, using a poem as a starting point, to make a version of that poem.

Bernadette Mayer’s I am a common Merganzer..., is translated by: Ilya Kaminsky and Katie Ferris, Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Jennifer Lacey, Jochen Lempert, Dorothea Lasky, Raimundas Malasauskas, Donika Kelly, Luca Lo Pinto, Eva Barto, Nina Canell & Robin Watkins, Claire Fontaine, Imaad Majeed

#2024 #bernadettemayer #clairefontaine #donikakelly #dorothealasky #evabarto #fivehundredplaces #ilyakaminsky #imaadmajeed #jochenlempert #katieferris #ketutaaleximeskhishvili #lucalopinto #ninacanell #poetry #raimundasmalasauskas
Initiales #05
Andrea Fraser
Published by École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, Lyon, 2015, 160 pp. (b/w ill.), 22.5 × 30 cm, French
Price: €15

Initiales is an art and research biannual magazine published by the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, the fifth issue is dedicated to Andrea Fraser. With contributions by Kader Attia, Eva Barto, Daniel Buren, Claire Fontaine, Dora García, Thomas Hirschhorn, Sven Lütticken, Chus Martínez, Jean-Luc Moulène amongst others.

#2015 #andreafraser #chusmartinez #clairefontaine #danielburen #doragarcia #evabarto #jeanlucmoulene #svenlutticken
MAY #21
Published by May Revue, Paris, 2022, 256 pp. (b/w ill.), 17.5 × 24 cm, English/French
Price: €15

Including Jay Chung, Claire Fontaine, Josef Strau, Alain Guiraudie, Bernadette Van-Huy, Helmut Draxler, Henrik Olesen by Thomas Duncan, Heji Shin by Benoît Lamy de la Chapelle, Marcel Proust by Yves-Noël Genod, Merlin Carpenter by Annie Ochmanek, Josephine Graf, Helmut Draxler, Megan Francis Sullivan and Nick Mauss, Dylan Byron and Isabelle Graw, Benjamin Lignel and Anne Dressen, Clément Rodzielski.

#2022 #bernadettevanhuy #clairefontaine #hejishin #helmutdraxler #henrikolesen #isabellegraw #jaychung #josefstrau #may #meganfrancissullivan #merlincarpenter #nickmauss
May #20
Published by May Revue, Paris, 2021, 256 pp. (b/w ill.), 17.5 × 24 cm, English/French
Price: €15

A note about Jack Smith by Michael Krebber; I will not interpret Jack Smith. I will not interpret Jack Smith. I will not interpret Jack… by Felix Bernstein; I Danced with a Penguin by Enzo Shalom; Broadway Central Narco Moon: Jack Smith and Illegality by Branden W. Joseph; Vile Days: The Village Voice Art Columns, 1985–1988, Gary Indiana in conversation with Bruce Hainley and Sohrab Mohebbi; On the film Shake Down by Leilah Weinraub by Juliana Huxtable; On Nina Könnemann at KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin by Megan Francis Sullivan; On Louise Lawler at 80WSE Gallery (NYU), New York by Nick Irvin; On Claire Fontaine at Reena Spaulings, Los Angeles by Anita Chari; On Afuma (Stefan Tcherepnin & Taketo Shimada) at H0L0, Ridgewood by Keith Connolly; On Park McArthur at MoMA, New York by Noah Barker; On the film Vital Behaviors by Ken Okiishi by Felix Bernstein; Garde-montée by Jeanne Graff; Last Summer (Hong Kong SAR) by Sony Devabhaktuni; A Cowboy Narrative by Bernadette Van-Huy; Visual Insert by Jack Smith, 35 mm color slides, I Danced with a Penguin, c. 1983.

#2021 #bernadettevanhuy #brandenwjoseph #brucehainley #clairefontaine #jacksmith #julianahuxtable #kenokiishi #louiselawler #may #meganfrancissullivan #michaelkrebber #ninakonnemann #noahbarker #parkmcarthur #stefantcherepnin
Retour d’y voir #05: Retraits de l’artiste en Philippe Thomas
Published by Mamco, Geneva, 2012, 368 pp. (b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, French
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

Retour d’y voir is the art history review published by the Mamco, Geneva. The 5th issue is entirely dedicated to Philippe Thomas: analysis (Michel Gauthier, Jean-Philippe Antoine, Robert Storr, Stéphane Sauzedde, Christophe Kihm, Érik Verhagen, Guillaume Leingre, Claire Fontaine, Judith Ickowicz, Émeline Jaret) and testimonies (Claire Burrus & Émeline Jaret, Sylvie Breton & Dominique Païni, Daniel Bosser, Jacques Salomon, Bernard Blistène, Daniel Soutif, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville).

#2012 #bernardblistene #christophekihm #claireburrus #clairefontaine #danielbosser #danielsoutif #dominiquepaini #emelinejaret #erikverhagen #ghislainmolletvieville #guillaumeleingre #jacquessalomon #jeanphilippeantoine #judithickowicz #michelgauthier #philippethomas #robertstorr #stephanesauzedde #sylviebreton