The Ninth Page: Etel Adnan's Journalism 1972–74
Published by CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2013, 128 pages (b/w ill), 15 × 23 cm, English
Price: €14 (out of stock)

Published to accompany the exhibition Words and Places Etel Adnan, The Ninth Page: Etel Adnan’s Journalism 1972–74 , collects and translates articles written by Adnan during the early 1970s for the Beirut-based francophone newspaper Al-Safa. In addition to the articles, the publication includes a Foreword by Leigh Markopoulos, an introductory essay by Simone Fattal, an interview with Adnan by Jesi Khadivi and Heidi Rabben, and a newly commissioned essay by Andrew Weiner, all responding to Adnanʼs journalism and its fraught sociopolitical context. It also includes a copy of the exhibition guide with writing on the exhibition by Antonia Marsh and on Adnan’s writing by Rebecca Roy.

The articles selected for The Ninth Page challenge preconceptions about Beirut’s political climate in this moment while also offering up a portrait of an entire cosmopolitan, international worldview that is social and cultural as often as it is political. The diverse subjects Adnan covers document the rich cultural scene of Beirut on the brink of civil war, a political cataclysm addressed with great force later in Adnanʼs landmark books Sitt Marie Rose (1978) and The Arab Apocalypse (1980). By focusing on her time as a journalist, The Ninth Page fills a discursive gap in the chronicling of Adnan’s written history, enriching her painting and writing practices. Images of the original newspaper articles are also projected in the exhibition space.

#2013 #ccawattisinstitute #eteladnan
A Brief History of Invisible Art
Ralph Rugoff
Published by CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2006, 65 pages (b/w ill.), 15.5 × 22 cm, English
Price: €14 (Out of stock)

A Brief History of Invisible Art is a fully illustrated catalog with essay by Ralph Rugoff, which brings together artworks from six decades that place a pronounced emphasis on the conceptual and communicative possibilities of the work of art, while bypassing its seeming requirements of visibility and materiality. In surveying this terrain, the exhibition includes works that represent a wide range of aesthetic practices and that engage with surprisingly diverse concerns. Whether underscoring the role of the audience, mocking the theological aura of museum rhetoric or calling attention to the importance of linguistic description in cultural production, these works prompt us to see through the more grandiose distractions of contemporary art and so to think more clearly about its underlying functions.

Featured Artists: Art & Language, Michael Asher, Robert Barry, James Lee Byars, Maurizio Cattelan, Jay Chung, Trisha Donnelly, Tom Friedman, Carsten Höller, Bethan Huws, Bruno Jakob, Yves Klein, Glenn Ligon, Jonathan Monk, Gianni Motti, Andy Warhol.

#artamplanguage #ccawattisinstitute #jamesleebyars #jaychung #mauriziocattelan #michaelasher #ralphrugoff #robertbarry #trishadonnelly #yvesklein
Les Goddesses / Hemlock Forest
Moyra Davey
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln and Dancing Foxes Press, New York, 2017, 125 pages (colour and b/w ill.), 24 x 16 cm, English
Price: €27 (Temporarily out of stock)

This latest book by the artist Moyra Davey is based on two related group of works, Les Goddesses (2011) and Hemlock Forest (2016), which each take form through text, photography, and film. Layering introspection and personal narratives with meditations on the lives and works of other writers, filmmakers, and artists—ranging from 18th-century feminist writer and activist Mary Wollstonecraft to Chantal Akerman, and Moyra Davey’s own five sisters. The book is conceived and published in collaboration with the artist Galerie Buchholz and Dancing Foxes Press. The book contains, alongside numerous reproductions, an introductory text by Aveek Sen and transcriptions of the texts for both film projects by the artist.

#2017 #dancingfoxespress #galeriebuchholz #moyradavey
Drawings 1965-1969
Dan Graham
Published by Publication Studio, Rotterdam, 2011, 44 pages (b/w ill.), softcover, 24.5 × 18 cm
Price: €21

This book reproduces a selection of Dan Graham’s grid drawings and typewriter pieces from the 1960s originally published in 1990 by Galerie Bleich-Rossi, in Graz, Austria. Published by Publication Studio with the permission of the artist.

#1990 #2011 #dangraham #publicationstudio
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam and CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2017, 288 pages (colour & bw ill.), 22 x 21 cm, English
Price: €34

Published on the occasion of Mechanisms, a group exhibition at CCA Wattis Institute (October 12, 2017 to February 24, 2018). It includes an essay by curator Anthony Huberman as well as contributions from artists Zarouhie Abdalian, Terry Atkinson, Lutz Bacher, Eva Barto, Neil Beloufa, Patricia L. Boyd, Jay DeFeo, Harun Farocki, Richard Hamilton, Aaron Flint Jamison, Jacob Kassay, Garry Neill Kennedy, Louise Lawler, Park McArthur, Jean-Luc Moulène, William Pope.L, Charlotte Posensenke, Cameron Rowland, and Danh Vo. Trisha Donnelly designed the cover.

Instead of documenting the exhibition, the catalogue reflects and expands on some of its core ideas. Designed by Scott Ponik and Julie Peeters, the book’s fabrication makes use of different printing techniques and “machines,” including an offset printer, a letterpress, and thermography, as well as a wide range of natural and synthetic paper stocks. Contributions by each of the exhibiting artists range from photo essays, theoretical essays, video transcripts and stills, interviews, and works designed especially for the page.

#2017 #anthonyhuberman #cameronrowland #ccawattisinstitute #charlotteposenenske #danhvo #garryneillkennedy #harunfarocki #jacobkassay #jaydefeo #jeanlucmoulene #juliepeeters #louiselawler #lutzbacher #parkmcarthur #patricialboyd #popel #scottponik #trishadonnelly #zarouhieabdalian
Private Book 3
Lee Lozano
Published by Karma, New York, 2017, 200 pages, ring bound, 8 × 13 cm, English
Price: €24 (Out of stock)

A prolific writer and documenter of both her art and her relationships, the public and private, Lee Lozano kept a series of personal journals from 1968 to 1972 while living in New York’s SoHo neighbourhood. Eleven of these private books survive, containing notes on her work, detailed interactions with artist friends and commentary on the alienations of gender politics, as well as philosophical queries into art’s role in society and humorous asides from daily life.

#2017 #leelozano