...ical Krbbr Prdly Prsnts Gart Jas, Jon Klsy, Josf Stra
Michael Krebber
Published on the occasion of …ical Krbbr Prdly Prsnts Gart Jas, Jon Klsy, Josf Stra at Portikus, Frankfurt, 16 December, 2006–21 January, 2007. A group show curated by Michael Krebber also featuring Gareth James, John Kelsey and Josef Strau.
“A bridge, an ellipsis, a sudden trailing off, the title of this exhibition, etc, the … might also be the blub blub blub of an underwater clam drawn by Jack Smith (“Ploduction Ploblems”), or a sort of mussel-talk taking over. In Réné Daumal’s unfinished novel Mount Analogue, which narrates the search for an invisible mountain (the largest on earth), there is a description of the money used in this place: smooth, pearl-like orbs dug out of the invisible mountain’s soil and very difficult to find. So on Mount Analogue, the … would also be a price, a sum, exact amount of invisible cash.”
Designed by Yvonne Quirmbach.
#2006 #garethjames #johnkelsey #michaelkrebber #portikus #yvonnequirmbach