Nine Works 1969-1973
Hamish Fulton
Published by Robert Self, London, 1977, 28 pp. (b/w ill.), 44.2 × 31 cm, English
Price: €105

Hamish Fulton is an English artist, who since 1972 has only made works based on the experience of walking. He translates his walks into a variety of media, including photography, illustrations, and wall texts. Fulton argues that ‘walking is an artform in its own right’ and argues for wider acknowledgement of walking art.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1977 #hamishfulton #walking
Ricardo Valentim
Published by Clément Dirié, Paris, 2023, unpaginated (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €10

This calendar was conceived by Ricardo Valentim and Clément Dirié. It follows calendars conceived by Katerina Seda in 2014, Ana Jotta in 2015, Bruce McLean in 2016, Mick Peter in 2017, Paulina Olowska in 2018, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet in 2019, Apostolos Georgiou in 2020, Agnès Thurnauer in 2021, and Dorothy lannone in 2022. In a limited edition of 200 copies

Designed by Amélie Boutry.

#2023 #clementdirie #ephemera #ricardovalentim
Cady Noland
Published by Cady Noland, Rhea Anastas, and Robert Snowden, New York, 2021, Vol. 1. 290 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.6 × 28 cm, English; Vol. 2. 306 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.6 × 28 cm, English
Price: €90 (Temporarily out of stock)

A two-volume book edited by Cady Noland and Rhea Anastas, THE CLIP-ON METHOD contains writing by Cady Noland, sociological essays selected by the artist, and a considerable amount of exhibition photography from the 1980s to the present. Designed by Cady Noland. Typesetting, layout, and print production by Will Holder.

#2021 #cadynoland #rheaanastas #robertsnowden
F.R. David: Erratum
Published by Uh Books, Brussels and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Spring 2024, 320 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €11

F.R.DAVID was concerned with the organisation of reading and writing in contemporary art practice. Following and open call, this is–the very last issue–a collectively-compiled “Erratum”, or addendum [if you will] to the twenty-three issues from 2007 until now.

Edited with Paul Abbott, After 8, Alma Sarif, Phil Baber, Daniel Blumberg, Thomas Boutoux, Kristien Van den Brande, Chloe Chignell, Martina Copley, Anthony Elms, Chris Evans, Carolina Festa, Kasper Feyrer, Richard Finlay Fletcher, Ben Green, Mariëtte Groot, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Léa Guillon, Sarah Handley, Gloria Hasnay, Loes Jacobs, Michel Khleifi, Willis Kingery, gerlach en koop, James Goggin, Keira Greene, Léa Guillon, Jacob Lindgren, Kobe Matthijs, Martino Morandi, Zen Nguyen, Alice Notley, Robert M. Ochshorn, Oscar the dog, Willem Oorebeek, David Reinfurt, Scott Rogers, Andrés de Santiago Areizaga, Rosa Sarholz, Clara Schulmann, Andrea di Serego Alighieri, Sabrina Tarasoff, Kristy Trinier, Seymour Wright and Unknown.

#2024 #alicenotley #almasarif #andreadiseregoalighieri #anthonyelms #chrisevans #davidreinfurt #frdavid #gerlachenkoop #gloriahasnay #philbaber #scottrogers #uhbooks #willholder #willemoorebeek
Fiona Connor
Published by lo, London, 2023, 100 pp. stapled book in cardboard folder (b/w ill.), 27.5 × 20.8 cm, English
Price: €200

This publication was developed over a year and catalogues the photographs Fiona Connor takes as tools for making sculptures while also considering how she prints and uses these images in her studio. Over five thousand images have been edited and collated into stapled book blocks arranged chronologically. The photographs record sites, surfaces, and objects to enable a sculptural language that utilises processes of mimicry and reproduction. When seen together, they operate like a stream of consciousness recorded through the push of a fingertip on a phone screen.

#2023 #artistbook #fionaconnor #lo
Published by Claude Balls Int., 2023, 416 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 28.5 cm, English/French
Price: €48 (Out of stock)

Edited by Marie Angeletti with Gianmaria Andreetta and Camilla Wills.

Paradis is a continuation of the eponymous exhibition conceived by artist Marie Angeletti in Marseilles in 2021. The exhibition brought together 56 artists of different origins and generations. More than just a transcription of this event, this catalogue brings together some one hundred contributions, combining critical texts, poetry, artists’ writings and new translations, alongside an equally large number of visual contributions and ad hoc works, most of them previously unpublished.

#adrianmorris #angharadwilliams #bradleykronz #camillawills #cathywilkes #charlottehouette #dangraham #eleanorivoryweber #fannyhowe #genebeery #georgiasagri #gianmariaandreetta #giannasurangkanjanajai #hanschristiandany #hejishin #helenefauquet #helmutdraxler #henrikolesen #inkameisner #jacquelinemesmaeker #jilljohnston #jimmiedurham #johnkelsey #johnmiller #julieault #lilyvanderstokker #louiselawler #marianordman #marieangeletti #martinbeck #meganfrancissullivan #michaelasher #michaelvandenabeele #michelegrafandselinagruter #moragkeil #nicoleantoniaspagnola #ninakonnemann #olgabalema #peterfend #peterwachtler #pierrebalblanc #richardhawkins #robertgrosvenor #samueljeffery #saradereadt #sarahrapson #simoneforti #stevenwarwick #sturtevant #valerieknoll #wadeguyton #winmccarthy