Schilderijen, gouaches, aquarellen, tekeningen
Produced on the occasion of Wols: Schilderijen, gouaches, aquarellen, tekeningen at Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 12 March–24 April 1966; and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 29 April–12 June, 1966. Cat nr. 395. Wols was the pseudonym of Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze (27 May 1913, Berlin–1 September 1951, Paris), a German painter and photographer predominantly active in France. Though broadly unrecognized in his lifetime, he is considered a pioneer of lyrical abstraction, one of the most influential artists of the Tachisme movement. Designed by Wim Crouwel & Anneke Huig (Total Design).
#1966 #stedelijkmuseum #wimcrouwel #wols