West Coast Ceramics
Keramisch Beeldhouwwerk Uit De Verenigde Staten
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1979, 44 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27.5 cm, English/Dutch
Price: €10 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of West Coast Ceramics, Keramisch Beeldhouwwerk Uit De Verenigde Staten, September 1979. Including the work of Robert Arneson, Robert Brandy, David Gilhooly, Ron Nagle, Richard Notkin, Ken Price, Richard Shaw and Peter Voulkos.

Designed by Wim Crouwel, Arlette Brouwers, Total Design.

#1979 #ceramics #davidgilhooly #kenprice #petervoulkos #ronnagle #stedelijkmuseum #westcoastceramics #wimcrouwel
Herman Scholten
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1974, 12 pages (b/w ill.), 18 × 29 cm, Dutch
Price: €9 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Herman Scholten’s exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 30 November 1974–28 January 1975.

SM Cat. No 570.

Designed by Wim Crouwel.

#1974 #stedelijkmuseum #textiles #wimcrouwel
Collages, Tekeningen en Monotypes
Georges Robér
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1969, 8 pages (b/w ill.), 18 × 29 cm, Dutch
Price: €8

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition, Georges Robér Collages, Tekeningen en Monotypes at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 11 October–16 November 1969.

SM Cat. No 467.

Designed by Wim Crouwel.

#1969 #stedelijkmuseum #wimcrouwel
Schilderijen, gouaches, aquarellen, tekeningen
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1966, 40 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 18.5 x 27.5, Dutch
Price: €20

Produced on the occasion of Wols: Schilderijen, gouaches, aquarellen, tekeningen at Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, 12 March–24 April 1966; and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, 29 April–12 June, 1966. Cat nr. 395. Wols was the pseudonym of Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze (27 May 1913, Berlin–1 September 1951, Paris), a German painter and photographer predominantly active in France. Though broadly unrecognized in his lifetime, he is considered a pioneer of lyrical abstraction, one of the most influential artists of the Tachisme movement. Designed by Wim Crouwel & Anneke Huig (Total Design).

#1966 #stedelijkmuseum #wimcrouwel #wols
Hans Bellmer
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1970, 30 pages, softcover, 20.8 × 27.4 cm, Dutch
Price: €19

Hans Bellmer (13 March 1902–24 February, 1975) was a German artist, best known for the life-sized pubescent female dolls he produced in the mid-1930s. Historians of art and photography also consider him a Surrealist photographer. Designed by Wim Crouwel and Jolijn van de Wouw.

#1970 #hansbellmer #stedelijkmuseum #wimcrouwel
Tetsumi Kudo
Published by the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1972, 32 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20.8 × 27.4 cm, Dutch/French
Price: €95 (Out of stock)

Published on the occasion of Tetsumi Kudo’s exhibition at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 25 February–9 April, 1972. Designed by Wim Crouwel.

#1972 #stedelijkmuseum #tetsumikudo #wimcrouwel