Apropos Papier
Willem Oorebeek, JoëlleTuerlinckx, Heimo Zobernig
Published by Leopold Hoesch Museum, Düren, 2019, 1 page, 21 × 29.7 cm, German
Price: €3 (Out of stock)

Flyer produced on the occasion of Apropos Papier: Willem Oorebeek, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, Heimo Zobernig at the Leopold Hoesch Museum, 7 April–7 July, 2019

Apropos Papier is an exhibition series that started at the Leopold Hoesch Museum in 2018 to coincide with the reopening of the neighbouring Paper Museum in Düren. This series presents international artists whose work is characterised by the examination of paper, an important material for the city of Düren.

#2019 #ephemera #heimozobernig #joelletuerlinckx #willemoorebeek
Maxine Kopsa (Ed.)
Published by Grazer Kunstverein, Graz 2014, 108 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 24 cm, English/German
Price: €15
  • Josef Bauer, Körpergalerie,1974
  • Dear Trisha Brown: A letter from Robert Wilhite
  • Dear Mr Christopher Williams: A letter from Robert Wilhite
  • Nina Beier: In tribute to time spent walking with Will (2013)
  • Will Holder: Caption card (2014)
  • Democracy is Empty, A conversation between Doug Ashford and Mierle Laderman Ukeles, originally published in Documents, no.10, Fall 1997, pp. 23–30
  • Lucky Dime, for Seth Siegelaub by Willem Oorebeek
  • Thoughts on control by Raivo Puusemp
  • Jan Mot and Germaine Kruip in discussion about Ian Wilson
  • A letter to Céline Condorelli by Tyler Coburn
  • A conversation between Eva Berendes and Doug Ashford
  • A conversation between Lucy Skaer and Willem Oorebeek
  • Invited by Tirdad Zolghadr, Marina Noronha’s Curatorial Systems Manifesto (as a response to Mierle Laderman Ukeles)
  • Céline Condorelli, Three letters to all and no one: strangers, friends, collaborators, allies
  • Notes on a lunch meeting (with Willem Oorebeek) by Kate Strain
  • Sarah Browne, Remembering Gray, 2013: In collaboration with Alice Lyons
  • Beatrice Gibson, A letter to Axel Wieder (and also implicity to Will Holder)
  • David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey: A conversation
  • Victoria Dejaco: Lantern slides

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#celinecondorelli #christopherwilliams #davidreinfurt #dougashford #ianwilson #janmot #josefbauer #lucyskaer #marchollenstein #maxinekopsa #mierleladermanukeles #ninabeier #robertwilhite #sethsiegelaub #stuartbailey #tirdadzolghadr #trishabrown #willholder #willemoorebeek