Märzschnee und Weiberweh
Rosemarie Trockel
Published by Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, 2015, 216 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 30.2 cm, English / German
Price: €25

Produced on the occasion of Rosemarie Trockel’s solo exhibition Märzôschnee ûnd Wiebôrweh sand am Môargô niana më at Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, 24 January–6 April, 2015. Edited by Yilmaz Dziewior with texts from Johanna Burton, Yilmaz Dziewior, Sam Pulitzer, and Beate Söntgen.

#2015 #kunsthausbregenz #rosemarietrockel #yilmazdziewior
Published by Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt, München, 1987, 40 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 19 × 26 cm, German
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Balkon at the Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt München, 15 May–16 June, 1987, curated by Michaela Melián and featuring the artists; Johanna Heß, Ika Huber, Johanna Kandl, Jutta Koether, Michaela Melián, Bettina Semmer, Rosemarie Trockel. With an introduction by Gislind Nabakowski.

#1987 #juttakoether #michaelamelian #painting #rosemarietrockel
Love is Colder than Capital
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2013, 304 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27 cm, English / German
Price: €42

Produced on the occasion of the group exhibition Love is Colder than Capital at The Kunsthaus Bregenz, 2 February–14 April, 2013, which brought together 16 artists who explore the interrelationships of economics and feelings in contemporary society.

Curated by Yilmaz Dzierwior and including artists Neil Beloufa, Minerva Cuevas, Mariechen Danz, Isa Genzken, Hans Haacke, Keith Haring, Teresa Margolles, Ken Okiishi, Julika Rudelius, Yorgos Sapountzis, Cindy Sherman, Andreas Siekmann, Dirk Stewen, Pascale Marthine Tayou, Rosemarie Trockel, Cathy Wilkes.

#2013 #cathywilkes #cindysherman #dirkstewen #hanshaacke #isagenzken #keithharing #kenokiishi #rosemarietrockel #teresamargolles #yilmazdziewior
Le choix des femmes
Published by Le Consortium and Frac Bourgogne, Dijon, 1991, 100 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 27 cm, French
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Le choix des femmes at Le Consortium and Frac Bourgogne, Dijon. Including Hanne Darboven, Gretchen Faust, Isa Genzken, Marthe Wéry, Laurie Parsons, Jessica Stockholder, Judith Barry, Annette Messager, Cindy Sherman, Rosemarie Trockel, François Vergier. With texts by Eric Colliard, René Denizot, Xavier Douroux, Franck Gautherot, Bernard Marcadé.

#1991 #annettemessager #cindysherman #isagenzken #jessicastockholder #laurieparsons #leconsortium #rosemarietrockel
Where are the tiny revolts?
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin and CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Fransisco, 2020, 320 pages (b/w ill.), 11 × 18 cm, English
Price: €15

Driven by the central question “What are we learning from artists today?” the first volume of the new series edited by Anthony Huberman and Jeanne Gerrity at the CCA Wattis, A Series of Open Questions, is informed by themes found in the work of Dodie Bellamy, such as contemporary forms of feminism and sexuality, the rebirth of the author, and ways in which vulnerability, perversion, vulgarity, and self-exposure can be forms of empowerment. With texts By Sara Ahmed, Nicole Archer, Georges Bataille, Dodie Bellamy, Michele Carlson, Thomas Clerc, Combahee River Collective, Bob Flanagan, Ursula K. Le Guin, Johanna Hedva, Glen Helfand, Juliana Huxtable, Alex Kitnick, Julia Kristeva, Audre Lorde, Lisa Robertson and comprises a broad array of contributions by Marcela Pardo Ariza, Justin G. Binek, Kaucyila Brooke, Tammy Rae Carland, Mary Beth Edelson, Mike Kuchar, Anne Mcguire, Patrick Staff, Frances Stark, Rosemarie Trockel.

Designed by Scott Ponik.

#2020 #anthonyhuberman #audrelorde #ccawattisinstitute #dodiebellamy #francesstark #georgesbataille #julianahuxtable #lisarobertson #rosemarietrockel #scottponik #sternbergpress #ursulaleguin
Mommy Reader
Published by Yale Union, Portland, 2015, 152 pages, 13.7 × 20.3 cm, English
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

A publication printed on the occasion of MOMMY, a group show that considered the mother, with work by Lutz Bacher, Susan Cianciolo, Sonya Hamilton, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Eliot Porter, Jeff Preiss, Aura Rosenberg, Diane Simpson, Barbara T. Smith, Frances Stark, and Rosemarie Trockel. It also included new site-specific works by Cathy Wilkes and Anicka Yi, and a performance by Karin Schneider.

Selected writings by Lydia Davis, Doris Lessing, Elena Ferrante, Lisa Baraitser, Silvia Federici, Sara Ruddick, Judith Butler, Lee Edelman, Thomas Nagel, Anne Truitt, and Maggie Nelson.

A PDF of the reader can be downloaded here.

#2015 #annetruitt #annemievankerckhoven #aurarosenberg #barbaratsmith #cathywilkes #dianesimpson #dorislessing #eliotporter #francesstark #jeffpreiss #judithbutler #karinschneider #lutzbacher #lynnhershmanleeson #maggienelson #motherhood #rosemarietrockel #silviafederici #sonyahamilton #susancianciolo #yaleunion