Roma Publications, 1998–2007
Published by The Narrows, Melbourne, 2007, foldout poster (colour & b/w ill.), 10 × 21 cm (folded) 30 × 42 cm (unfolded), English
Price: €6

Poster/invitation produced on the occasion of exhibition Roma Publications, 1998–2007, 7–24 November, 2007 at The Narrows, Melbourne.

Roma Publications is an Amsterdam based art publisher, founded in 1998 by graphic designer Roger Willems, and artists Mark Manders and Marc Nagtzaam. It is used as a platform to produce and distribute autonomous publications made in close collaboration with a growing number of artists, institutions, writers and designers. Related to the content, every issue has its own rule of appearance and distribution, varying from house to house papers to exclusive books.

#2007 #batiasuter #ephemera #marcnagtzaam #markmanders #rogerwillems #romapublications #thenarrows #warrentaylor
Borrowed Space
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2019, 24 pp. + card (b/w ill.), 34.5 × 48 cm, English
Price: €14 (Temporarily out of stock)

Textless newspaper with drawn compositions, borrowed from existing book covers, posters, and paintings.

#2019 #marcnagtzaam #romapublications
Stray: A Graphic Tone
Shannon Ebner, Susan Howe, Nathaniel Mackey
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam & Fonograf Editions, Portland, 2019, Vinyl record in gatefold sleeve (colour & b/w ill.), 31 × 31 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

This fourteen-track LP features poems of American poets Susan Howe (b. 1937) and Nathaniel Mackey (b. 1947) as produced by visual artist Shannon Ebner. Juxtaposing historic and recent material from 1991 until 2018, the work brought together here examines the two writer’s lifelong preoccupation with subjects adrift in narratives of dispossession both real and imagined. Liner notes contain excerpts of original interviews as well as reproductions of the poets’ published materials. According to Ebner, “STRAY: A GRAPHIC TONE is the full-length version of what I started in 2016 when I began seeking exchanges with these two poets. I was drawn to their works for their experiments with poetic form–for their politics of poetic form, to be exact–for their poems’ stray figures and stray errant marks.” It was recorded at various locales between 1991 and 2018. The album was edited and produced by Shannon Ebner and mastered and engineered by Joseph Stewart. Designed by Julia Born and Shannon Ebner.

#2019 #juliaborn #nathanielmackey #romapublications #shannonebner #susanhowe
Elena Narbutaitė
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2017, 48 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €18

Elena Narbutaitė enjoys the nature of discovery. By offering the unexpected, she hopes to create social situations in which the audience can collectively experience surprise or confusion. ‘Alex’ is a lamp, a light programme, and an exhibition by Narbutaitė that began during a 2016 New Year’s Eve party in her Vilnius apartment. After bringing in the new year, the lamp travelled to Kunstverein München, where it was installed above a window at the foyer entrance, pointed directly into the eyes of visitors. This book marks the year-long event using text excerpted from the film ‘Exotica’ by Atom Egoyan, as well as text interventions by Bernardo José de Souza and Chris Fitzpatrick.

Designed by Julie Peeters.

#2017 #chrisfitzpatrick #elenanarbutaite #juliepeeters #kunstvereinmunchen #romapublications
Choses tuées 2
gerlach en koop
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2016, 120 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29 cm, English/German
Price: €25

The collective artist gerlach en koop renders things visible by repetition, copying or reuse, by displacement and misplacement, by omissions, erring and making mistakes. The smaller the distance between two identical things—differences that sometimes can only be conceived of—the more interesting.

This book is the second volumes in a series, produced on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition, held at Temporary Gallery, Cologne, February-March 2016. Photographs by Kristien Daem and Hartwig Schwarz. With text contributions by Regina Barunke, Valentina Desideri, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Maxine Kopsa, Candice Lin and Raimundas Malasauaskas. Designed by Louis Lüthi.

#2016 #gerlachenkoop #louisluthi #maxinekopsa #raimundasmalasauskas #romapublications #temporarygallery
Choses tuées
gerlach en koop
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015, 118 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29 cm, English/Dutch
Price: €25

The collective artist gerlach en koop renders things visible by repetition, copying or reuse, by displacement and misplacement, by omissions, erring and making mistakes. The smaller the distance between two identical things—differences that sometimes can only be conceived of—the more interesting.

This book is the first volumes in a series, produced on the occasion of Choses tuées, held at De Appel arts centre in Amsterdam. With photographs by Kristien Daem and text contributions by Lorenzo Benedetti, Valentina Desideri, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Maxine Kopsa, Candice Lin, Raimundas Malašauskas. Designed by Louis Lüthi.

#2015 #deappel #gerlachenkoop #lorenzobenedetti #louisluthi #maxinekopsa #raimundasmalasauskas #romapublications