Marcel Broodthaers (Invitation card)
Published by Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, 1987, folding card (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 22.5 cm, French/Dutch
Price: €25

Invitation card for the opening of the exhibition Marcel Broodthaers at Galerie Isy Brachot, Brussels, Wednesday April 29, 1987. With a text titled MB le solipsisme by Bernard Blistène.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1987 #ephemera #marcelbroodthaers
No Dandy, No Fun: Looking Good as Things Fall Apart
Hans-Christian Dany, Valérie Knoll
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2023, 232 pages (duotone ill.), 11.5 × 18 cm, English
Price: €18

Published following the eponymous exhibition at Kunsthalle Bern in 2020–2021. A cultural examination of the enigmatically iconic figure of the Dandy, both in history and as a figure for the future.

With Kai Althoff, Lutz Bacher, Kévin Blinderman / Pierre-Alexandre Mateos / Charles Teyssou, Marcel Broodthaers, Ursula Böckler, Marc Camille Chaimowicz, Hanne Darboven, Stephan Dillemuth, Victoire Douniama, Lukas Duwenhögger, Cerith Wyn Evans, Sylvie Fleury, Andrea Fraser, Sophie Gogl, Gogo Graham, Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys, David Hammons, Birgit Jürgenssen, K Foundation, John Kelsey, Michael Krebber, Miriam Laura Leonardi, David Lieske, Mathieu Malouf, Ulrike Ottinger, Mathias Poledna, Raymond Roussel, Heji Shin, Reena Spaulings, Sturtevant, Bernadette Van-Huy, James McNeill Whistler, Virginia Woolf.

Designed by HIT.

#andreafraser #davidhammons #davidlieske #hannedarboven #hanschristiandany #hejishin #hit #josdegruyterandharaldthys #lukasduwenhogger #lutzbacher #marccamillechaimowicz #marcelbroodthaers #mathiaspoledna #michaelkrebber #raymondroussel #reenaspaulings #stephandillemuth #valerieknoll #virginiawoolf
Art & Project
A History
Published by nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2023, 512 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €69 (Temporarily out of stock)

For over 33 years, the Amsterdam gallery Art & Project (1968–1998) was a focal point in the development of contemporary art in the Netherlands. Featuring artists such as stanley brouwn, Hanne Darboven, Daniel Buren, Marcel Broodthaers, Ian Wilson, Bas Jan Ader, Yutaka Matsuzawa, Jan Dibbets, Gilbert & George, Richard Long, Ger van Elk, Charlotte Posenenske, and Lawrence Weiner.

To draw attention to their exhibitions, Art & Project produced a total of 156 bulletins. These bulletins soon became an experimental medium, becoming a vehicle for the ideas of conceptual artists and sometimes functioned as a conceptual work of art in its own right.

#artampproject #basjanader #charlotteposenenske #danielburen #gervanelk #gilbertampgeorge #hannedarboven #ianwilson #jandibbets #lawrenceweiner #marcelbroodthaers #richardlong #stanleybrouwn #yutakamatsuzawa
Marcel Broodthaers in Zuid-Limburg
Published by Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht, 1987, 248 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 26 cm, Dutch, French and German
Price: €85

Produced on the occasion of the 1987 exhibition Marcel Broodthaers in Zuid-Limburg Foto’s/Photographies/Photographien 1961–1970 at the Bonnefantenmuseum, Maastricht. With a foreword by Alexandre van Grevenstein, and texts by Marcel Broodthaers and Ian Jeffrey.

#1987 #marcelbroodthaers #photography
Marcel Broodthaers
Published by Helen van der Meij, Amsterdam, 1978, invitation card, (b/w ill.), 10.6 × 14.7 cm, Dutch
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Invitation produced on the occasion of the exhibition, Marcel Broodthaers. plaques/tekeningen/objekten at Helen van der Meij, Amsterdam, 21 February–22 March, 1978.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1978 #ephemera #marcelbroodthaers
Die Kassettenkataloge Des Städtischen Museums Mönchengladbach 1967–1978
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2021, 391 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 28 cm, German / English
Price: €44 (Temporarily out of stock)

For the first time, the 35 legendary box catalogues of Städtische Museum Mönchengladbach have been published as a book. Museum director Johannes Cladders developed the idea of catalogues in the form of a box with Joseph Beuys in 1967. Until 1978, Cladders worked closely with exhibiting artists to create such catalogues, which radically re-envisaged the traditional exhibition and museum publication. They embody the participatory approach of their time and instance a vision of a porous democratic work. Viewers are invited to actively participate in this artistic and institutional endeavour and engage both intellectually and physically. Researched by Susanne Rennert, designed by Petra Hollenbach, with photographs documenting all catalogues by Tobias Hohn & Stanton Taylor, and introductory essays by Susanne Rennert and Susanne Titz.

#2021 #blinkypalermo #bracodimitrijevic #danielburen #hanshollein #janniskounellis #johannescladders #josephbeuys #marcelbroodthaers #museumabteiberg #panamarenko #petrahollenbach #pieromanzoni #richardlong #tobiashohnampstantontaylor #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig