Tomaso Binga
Published by Lenz Press, Milan, 2024, 304 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 30 cm, English/Italian
Price: €45 (Temporarily out of stock)

Embedded in the language of visual and sound poetry, the practice of Tomaso Binga (Bianca Pucciarelli Menna, born 1931 in Salerno) is based on an ironic, insightful questioning of the idea of gender. In her work, this theme is not only a generator of identity, but also a way of looking afresh at the social roles, rights and opportunities traditionally available to women. Her decision to work under a male pseudonym from 1971 onwards was intended to parody male privilege and to provoke a barbed reflection on the political dimension of what it is to be a woman. Her attitude has served as a key marker within the gender equality issues at the center of the debate raging amongst the younger generations.

Designed by Lorenzo Mason Studio.

#2024 #concretepoetry #lenzpress #lilouvidal #lorenzomason #lucalopinto #tomasobinga
Bernadette Mayer
Published by Fivehundred places, Berlin, 2024, unpaginated, 11.7 × 15 cm cm, English
Price: €13

This series of translations from fivehundred places is designed to explore some of the outer reaches of translation. Each book in the series is dedicated to multiple translations of a single poem. Inspired by a comment from Ilya Kaminsky about how translation should open windows and not create mirrors, artists, dancers, musicians, poets, philosophers, curators, writers and visual thinkers were invited to imagine translations from their unique perspective, using a poem as a starting point, to make a version of that poem.

Bernadette Mayer’s I am a common Merganzer..., is translated by: Ilya Kaminsky and Katie Ferris, Ketuta Alexi-Meskhishvili, Jennifer Lacey, Jochen Lempert, Dorothea Lasky, Raimundas Malasauskas, Donika Kelly, Luca Lo Pinto, Eva Barto, Nina Canell & Robin Watkins, Claire Fontaine, Imaad Majeed

#2024 #bernadettemayer #clairefontaine #donikakelly #dorothealasky #evabarto #fivehundredplaces #ilyakaminsky #imaadmajeed #jochenlempert #katieferris #ketutaaleximeskhishvili #lucalopinto #ninacanell #poetry #raimundasmalasauskas