Interiors–CCS Readers: Perspectives on Art and Culture
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012, 312 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18.8 × 25.3 cm, English
Price: €23

An anthology that examines the poetics and politics of interior experience within the frame of contemporary art. Through diverse discursive modes—commissioned essays, conversations and talks, historical writings, and artistic projects—this anthology, the first CCS Readers volume, examines the poetics and politics of interior experience within the frame of contemporary art.

Texts by Anni Albers, Doug Ashford, Gaston Bachelard, Angelo Bellfatto, Nova Benway, Gregg Bordowitz, Johanna Burton, Theresa Choi, Beatriz Colomina, Lynne Cooke, Moyra Davey, Tom Eccles, Diana Fuss, Jennifer Gross, Elizabeth Grosz, Roni Horn, Jenny Jaskey, Susanne Küper, Elisabeth Lebovici, Nathan Lee, Zoe Leonard, Dorit Margreiter, Josiah McElheny, Helen Molesworth, Georges Perec, Juliane Rebentisch, David Reed, Lisa Robertson, Joel Sanders, Virginia Woolf, Amy Zion.

#2012 #annialbers #beatrizcolomina #doritmargreiter #dougashford #elisabethlebovici #gastonbachelard #helenmolesworth #julianerebentisch #lisarobertson #lynnecooke #moyradavey #ronihorn #sternbergpress #zoeleonard
Group Material
Published by Kunstverein München, München, 1995, 38 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 14.8 × 19.5 cm, English/German
Price: €20

Produced on the occasion of Group Material: Market at Kunstverein München, 6 May–18 June, 1995. From the early 1980s, Group Material worked on complex social and cultural issues: in 1988, for example, they developed a four-part project on today’s understanding of democracy, followed by a so-called AIDS timeline. For Kunstverein München they developed a new project about consumption. The space was modelled after a shopping mall and contained products of the commodity world, which were collected by Group Material and commented on in the exhibition.

#1995 #dougashford #groupmaterial #jochenklein #julieault #kunstvereinmunchen #thomaseggerer
Writings And Conversations
Doug Ashford
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan & Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, 2013, 144 pp. (b/w ill.), 12 × 16.5 cm, English
Price: €15

This publication represents one of the many spaces occupied by Doug Ashford’s work. As the first collection of his writings and conversations, it attempts to encompass the changing ideas to which the artist has subscribed over the past 25 years. Doug Ashford is a teacher, artist, and writer. He has taught design, sculpture, and theory at Cooper Union in New York since 1989. From 1982 to 1996, his primary artistic activity was as a member of Group Material, and since then he has gone on to paint, write, and produce other cross-disciplinary projects.

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#2013 #dougashford #grazerkunstverein #groupmaterial #kristgruijthuijsen #marchollenstein #moussepublishing
Empathy and Abstraction, (Excerpts)
Doug Ashford
Published by Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, 2013, 6 pp., 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €4

Doug Ashford is a teacher, artist and writer. Ashford’s principle visual practice from 1982 to 1996 was the artists’ collaborative Group Material that produced over 40 exhibitions and public projects internationally. Group Material developed the exhibition form into an artistic medium using display design and curatorial juxtaposition as a critical location where audiences were invited to imagine democratic forms. Since 1996, Ashford has continued to make paintings, write, and produce museum and public projects. His book Who Cares (Creative Time, 2006) is a publication built from a series of conversations between Ashford and an assembly of other cultural practitioners on public expression, beauty, and ethics.

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Tradition at Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, 16 March, 2013– 19 May, 2013 and Grazer Kunstverein, 7 June, 2013 –11 August, 2013.

#2013 #dougashford #grazerkunstverein #groupmaterial #kristgruijthuijsen
Maxine Kopsa (Ed.)
Published by Grazer Kunstverein, Graz 2014, 108 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 24 cm, English/German
Price: €15
  • Josef Bauer, Körpergalerie,1974
  • Dear Trisha Brown: A letter from Robert Wilhite
  • Dear Mr Christopher Williams: A letter from Robert Wilhite
  • Nina Beier: In tribute to time spent walking with Will (2013)
  • Will Holder: Caption card (2014)
  • Democracy is Empty, A conversation between Doug Ashford and Mierle Laderman Ukeles, originally published in Documents, no.10, Fall 1997, pp. 23–30
  • Lucky Dime, for Seth Siegelaub by Willem Oorebeek
  • Thoughts on control by Raivo Puusemp
  • Jan Mot and Germaine Kruip in discussion about Ian Wilson
  • A letter to Céline Condorelli by Tyler Coburn
  • A conversation between Eva Berendes and Doug Ashford
  • A conversation between Lucy Skaer and Willem Oorebeek
  • Invited by Tirdad Zolghadr, Marina Noronha’s Curatorial Systems Manifesto (as a response to Mierle Laderman Ukeles)
  • Céline Condorelli, Three letters to all and no one: strangers, friends, collaborators, allies
  • Notes on a lunch meeting (with Willem Oorebeek) by Kate Strain
  • Sarah Browne, Remembering Gray, 2013: In collaboration with Alice Lyons
  • Beatrice Gibson, A letter to Axel Wieder (and also implicity to Will Holder)
  • David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey: A conversation
  • Victoria Dejaco: Lantern slides

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#celinecondorelli #christopherwilliams #davidreinfurt #dougashford #ianwilson #janmot #josefbauer #lucyskaer #marchollenstein #maxinekopsa #mierleladermanukeles #ninabeier #robertwilhite #sethsiegelaub #stuartbailey #tirdadzolghadr #trishabrown #willholder #willemoorebeek