Paper Exhibition: Selected Writings
Raimundas Malašauskas
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012, 240 pp., 12 × 19.5 cm, English
Price: €95

Paper Exhibition is an anthology of writings by curator and writer Raimundas Malašauskas published in collaboration with Kunstverein Publishing, Sternberg Press, Sandberg Institute, and The Baltic Notebooks by Anthony Blunt.

The publication includes texts selected and edited by Aurimė Aleksandravičiūtė & Jonas Žakaitis, Tyler Coburn, Audrey Cottin, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Virginija Januškevičiūtė, Angie Keefer, Kevin Killian, Maxine Kopsa, John Menick, Vivian Rehberg, Sarah Rifky, Aaron Schuster, Vivian Ziherl, and Tirdad Zolghadr; and features contributions by Judith Braun, François Bucher, Chris Fitzpatrick & Post Brothers, Darius Mikšys, Dexter Sinister, and Lucy E. Smith.

#angiekeefer #chrisfitzpatrick #dextersinister #godabudvytyte #kevinkillian #kristgruijthuijsen #raimundasmalasauskas #sternbergpress
After Berkeley: Objectif Exhibitions, 2010–2011
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2013, 264 pp. (b/w ill.), 10.5 × 14.9 cm, English
Price: €9

Edited by Mai Abu ElDahab. Following From Berkeley to Berkeley: Objectif Exhibitions, 2008–2010, this publication is the second in a two-part series of interviews with artists who exhibited at Objectif Exhibitions, Antwerp, between 2010 and 2011. The interviews are accompanied by a collection of secondary and parallel material produced in collaboration with each artist.

Interviews: Matias Faldbakken by Nikki Columbus, Will Holder by Richard Birkett, Sophie Nys by Dieter Roelstraete, Clifford Irving by Francis McKee, Patricia Esquivias by Jonas Žakaitis, Norma Jeane and Tim Etchells by Anna Colin, Michael Portnoy by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, Hassan Khan by Brian Kuan Wood, Barbara Visser by Raimundas Malašauskas; and contributions by Mai Abu ElDahab and Dexter Sinister.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership (missing dust jacket, some damage).

#2013 #barbaravisser #briankuanwood #dextersinister #dieterroelstraete #francismckee #maiabueldahab #michaelportnoy #raimundasmalasauskas #sophienys #sternbergpress #willholder
Portable Document Format
Dexter Sinister
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2010, 200 pp. (b/w ill.), 11.3 × 17.5 cm, English
Price: €105

With contributions by Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Rob Giampietro, Anthony Huberman, J. Christopher Jones, Louis Kaplan, Edgar Allan Poe, Seth Price, David Reinfurt, David Senior and Giles Weaver.

Over the past few years, Dexter Sinister has been interested in exploring contemporary publishing in its broadest, most exploded sense. The first part of this book consists of pieces of writings written since the conception of their New York basement workshop and bookstore in the summer of 2006. These writings were previously published online as PDFs in the Library at They were primarily written by Dexter Sinister or by one of a circle of regular collaborators, often for their house journal Dot Dot Dot, or as supplements to other books or exhibitions.

#2010 #anthonyhuberman #davidreinfurt #davidsenior #dextersinister #dotdotdot #edgarallanpoe #robgiampietro #sethprice #sternbergpress #stuartbailey
The Sun as Error
Shannon Ebner
Published by Wallis Annenberg Department of Photography, LACMA, 2009, 64 pp. (b/w ill.), 27.95 × 36.85 cm, English
Price: €165

The Los Angeles based artist Shannon Ebner extends her exploration of photography, sculpture and language in this remarkable book, The Sun as Error. In collaboration with Dexter Sinister (design duo David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey), The Sun as Error re-investigates the meaning and language of photographs, creating both an open-ended reading of her practice and also rethinking the idea of an artist’s monograph. Far from straightforward, the book interweaves her bodies of work, previously unseen one-off pieces, with the language of technical diagrams, optical illusions, and graphic design. One of the persistent motifs through the book’s sequence is an asterisk and, specifically, one imbued with the legacy of the graphic designer Muriel Cooper. As the first design director for MIT Press and the cofounder of the Visible Language Workshop, Cooper’s legacy for reorienting and repositioning the direction of an artist’s monograph is imaginatively explored in the creative partnership of Dexter Sinister and Shannon Ebner.

#2009 #davidreinfurt #dextersinister #shannonebner #stuartbailey
The Sun As Error Bootleg
Shannon Ebner
Published by Dexter Sinister, New York, 2011, 246 pages (b/w ill.), 15 × 20.5 cm, English
Price: €55 (Out of stock)

Los Angeles artist Shannon Ebner extends her exploration of photography, sculpture and language in this remarkable book, The Sun as Error. In collaboration with Dexter Sinister (design duo David Reinfurt and Stuart Bailey), The Sun as Error re-investigates the meaning and language of photographs, creating both an open-ended reading of her practice and also rethinking the idea of an artist’s monograph. Far from straightforward, the book interweaves her bodies of work, previously unseen one-off pieces, with the language of technical diagrams, optical illusions, and graphic design. One of the persistent motifs through the book’s sequence is an asterisk and, specifically, one imbued with the legacy of the graphic designer Muriel Cooper. As the first design director for MIT Press and the cofounder of the Visible Language Workshop, Cooper’s legacy for reorienting and repositioning the direction of an artist’s monograph is imaginatively explored in the creative partnership of Dexter Sinister and Shannon Ebner. This 2011 reprinted bootleg version of the original monograph is printed in a black and white paperback book.

#2011 #davidreinfurt #dextersinister #shannonebner #stuartbailey