Radio Play
Christopher Williams
Published by Corbett vs. Dempsey, Chicago, 2024, vinyl record with insert (colour & b/w ill.), 31 × 31 cm, English/German
Price: €40 (Out of stock)

Inklusive is a play written by Bavarian playwright Franz Xaver Kroetz.

It is part of a trilogy of radio plays from 1971 titled Trilogie Münchener Lebens. The play was first broadcast as a radio play in former West Germany on Südwestfunk in 1972. A second version was broadcast in former East Germany on Rundfunk der DDR in 1974. The West and East German broadcasts are the basis for two radio play adaptations by artist Christopher Williams. Both adaptations are recorded in German using the same technology used to produce the original broadcasts of 1972 and 1974.

#2024 #christopherwilliams #lprecord
Model No. 2745 (Son) (Card)
Christopher Williams
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, date unknown, card (colour ill.), 10.5 × 14.7 cm, English
Price: €25

Model No. 2745 (Son)
Distance to lens: 105.5 cm
Model No. 1542 (Mother)
Distance to lens: 159 cm
Garment label: VEB Wäschekonfektion m94 Obercrinitz 40°
Model No. 1316 (Father)
Distance to lens: 231 cm
Garment label: Dreiklang 60 2450 60°
Sleepware courtesy of Adlershofer Fundus Kostüm- & Requisitenverleih, Ernst-
Augustin-Str. 7, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany (fmr. DDR)
Pillows manufactured by Heinrich Häussling GmbH & Co., Branchweilerhofstraße
200, Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Germany (fmr. DBR)
Bedding manufactured by Oberlausitzer Leinen, Hoffmann GmbH & Co. KG, Zittauer
Straße 23, Neukirch/Lausitz, Germany (fmr. DDR)
Studio Thomas Borho, Oberkasseler Str. 39, Düsseldorf, Germany
October 7, 2019
2020 (detail)

#christopherwilliams #ephemera #invitecard #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Kontext Kunst: Kunst der 90er Jahre
Peter Weibel
Published by DuMont, Köln, 1993, 618 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 24.5 cm, German
Price: €85

Catalogue of the decade-defining exhibition Kontext Kunst: The Art of the 90s at Neue Galerie im Künstlerhaus, Graz, 2 October – 7 November, 1993, curated by Peter Weibel. The exhibition proposed (early in the decade) that art practice in the 1990s focused on methods and practices of ‘contextualization’ as opposed to the classic didactic, ideological functions of traditional art. Exhibited artists included: Fareed Armaly, Cosima von Bonin, Tom Burr, Clegg & Guttmann, Meg Cranston, Mark Dion, Peter Fend, Andrea Fraser, Inspection Medhermeneutics, Ronald Jones, Louise Lawler, Thomas Locher, Dorit Margreiter, Kasimir Malewitsch, Katrin von Maltzahn, Regina Möller, Reinhard Mucha, Christian Philipp Müller, Anton Olschwang, Hirsch Perlman, Dan Peterman, Adrian Piper, Mathias Poledna, Stephan Prina, Florian Pumhösl, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Julia Scher, Oliver Schwarz, Jason Simon, Rudolf Stingel, Lincoln Tobier, Olga Tschernyschewa, Christopher Williams, Peter Zimmermann, Heimo Zobernig.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #christopherwilliams #cleggampguttmann #cosimavonbonin #doritmargreiter #fareedarmaly #florianpumhosl #gerwaldrockenschaub #heimozobernig #inspectionmedhermeneutics #juliascher #louiselawler #markdion #peterfend #reinhardmucha #ronaldjones #stephanprina #thomaslocher #tomburr
Paintings from 1955 to 1998
Konrad Klapheck
Published by Steidl, Zwirner & Wirth, 2007, 136 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.3 × 25.2 cm, English
Price: €35

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Konrad Klapheck: Paintings from 1955 to 1998 at Zwirner & Wirth, New York, 8 November – 22 December, 2007.

This first English-language monograph brings together an astonishing group of paintings that span the course of German painter Konrad Klapheck’s six-decade-long career–from his painterly investigations of technological machines and everyday objects such as typewriters, sewing machines and ventilators to his more recent figurative work.

Includes a conversation with Christopher Williams and a text from André Breton. Designed by Christopher Williams.

#2007 #christopherwilliams #konradklapheck #painting
Archäologie Beaux Arts Ethnography Théâtre Vérité
Christopher Williams
Published by Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, 2005, 2 volumes, 48 pp. & 8 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20.7 × 25 cm, English
Price: €48

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Example: Dix-Huit Leçons sur la Société Industrielle at the Contemporary Art Gallery, January 13 – March 6, 2005.

It includes a forward by Christina Ritchie, essays; Mechanization takes command: Modernization, Terminable and interminable by John Miller and Some References for Christopher Williams by Claudia Beck.

Designed by Christopher Williams with Yvonne Quirmbach.

#2005 #christopherwilliams #johnmiller #photography #yvonnequirmbach
Theatre in Review: Upper Austria
Christopher Williams
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2024, 62 pp. (b/w ill.), 15 × 23 cm, English / German
Price: €12

Produced on the occasion of Christopher Williams: Radio/Rauhfaser/Television at Neubauer Collegium for Culture and Society, University of Chicago, 8 February–19 April, 2024. Designed by Petra Hollenbach.

#2024 #christopherwilliams #petrahollenbach #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig