Fine Arts
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2016, 96 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 27.5 cm, English
Price: €29

Produced on the occasion of the eponymous touring exhibition at CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco; MoMA PS1, New York; and Raven Row, London, in 2015.

The conceptual duo Jos de Gruyter and Harald Thys continue in the project “Fine Arts” with their playful approach that draws on dystopian narratives. In this scenario the artists have became watercolorists; unfashionably harping back to the previous century’s pictorial tradition while basing their picture making on a range of quotidian and historical images culled from the Internet.

Designed by Boy Vereecken and Harald Thys.

#2016 #boyvereecken #ccawattisinstitute #josdegruyterandharaldthys #ravenrow #sternbergpress
Vincent Fecteau
Published by CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, 2021, 96 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 17.5 × 22.5 cm, English
Price: €46

Produced on the occasion of Vincent Fecteau’s exhibition at the Wattis Institute in San Francisco in the fall of 2019. Along with a group of new sculptures by Fecteau, the exhibition also featured two works by Lutz Bacher. The catalogue includes texts by Anthony Huberman, who curated the exhibition, Don Potts, Renny Pritikin and Fanny Singer.

#2021 #anthonyhuberman #ccawattisinstitute #fannysinger #lutzbacher #vincentfecteau
Why are they so afraid of the lotus?: A Series of Open Questions, vol. 2
Jeanne Gerrity and Kim Nguyen (eds.)
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin & CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Francisco, 2021, 256 pages (b/w ill.), 11 × 18 cm, English
Price: €12

Based on questions raised by the work of filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha, the second volume of the Wattis Institute’s annual reader includes new writing and art by Ranu Mukherjee, Kathy Zarur, Shylah Hamilton, Astria Suparak, and Tamara Suarez Porras, as well as written and visual contributions by Trinh T. Minh-ha, Mei-mei Berssenbrugge, Sky Hopinka, Christina Sharpe, Christine Wang, Camille Rankine, Dionne Brand, Renee Gladman, Theresa Hak Kyung Cha, Kameelah Janan Rasheed, and Steffani Jemison, among others. Designed by Scott Ponik.

#2021 #ccawattisinstitute #jeannegerrity #kimnguyen #meimeiberssenbrugge #reneegladman #scottponik #skyhopinka #steffanijemison #sternbergpress #theresahakkyungcha #trinhtminhha
Where are the tiny revolts?
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin and CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, San Fransisco, 2020, 320 pages (b/w ill.), 11 × 18 cm, English
Price: €15

Driven by the central question “What are we learning from artists today?” the first volume of the new series edited by Anthony Huberman and Jeanne Gerrity at the CCA Wattis, A Series of Open Questions, is informed by themes found in the work of Dodie Bellamy, such as contemporary forms of feminism and sexuality, the rebirth of the author, and ways in which vulnerability, perversion, vulgarity, and self-exposure can be forms of empowerment. With texts By Sara Ahmed, Nicole Archer, Georges Bataille, Dodie Bellamy, Michele Carlson, Thomas Clerc, Combahee River Collective, Bob Flanagan, Ursula K. Le Guin, Johanna Hedva, Glen Helfand, Juliana Huxtable, Alex Kitnick, Julia Kristeva, Audre Lorde, Lisa Robertson and comprises a broad array of contributions by Marcela Pardo Ariza, Justin G. Binek, Kaucyila Brooke, Tammy Rae Carland, Mary Beth Edelson, Mike Kuchar, Anne Mcguire, Patrick Staff, Frances Stark, Rosemarie Trockel.

Designed by Scott Ponik.

#2020 #anthonyhuberman #audrelorde #ccawattisinstitute #dodiebellamy #francesstark #georgesbataille #julianahuxtable #lisarobertson #rosemarietrockel #scottponik #sternbergpress #ursulaleguin
The Ninth Page: Etel Adnan's Journalism 1972–74
Published by CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2013, 128 pages (b/w ill), 15 × 23 cm, English
Price: €14 (out of stock)

Published to accompany the exhibition Words and Places Etel Adnan, The Ninth Page: Etel Adnan’s Journalism 1972–74 , collects and translates articles written by Adnan during the early 1970s for the Beirut-based francophone newspaper Al-Safa. In addition to the articles, the publication includes a Foreword by Leigh Markopoulos, an introductory essay by Simone Fattal, an interview with Adnan by Jesi Khadivi and Heidi Rabben, and a newly commissioned essay by Andrew Weiner, all responding to Adnanʼs journalism and its fraught sociopolitical context. It also includes a copy of the exhibition guide with writing on the exhibition by Antonia Marsh and on Adnan’s writing by Rebecca Roy.

The articles selected for The Ninth Page challenge preconceptions about Beirut’s political climate in this moment while also offering up a portrait of an entire cosmopolitan, international worldview that is social and cultural as often as it is political. The diverse subjects Adnan covers document the rich cultural scene of Beirut on the brink of civil war, a political cataclysm addressed with great force later in Adnanʼs landmark books Sitt Marie Rose (1978) and The Arab Apocalypse (1980). By focusing on her time as a journalist, The Ninth Page fills a discursive gap in the chronicling of Adnan’s written history, enriching her painting and writing practices. Images of the original newspaper articles are also projected in the exhibition space.

#2013 #ccawattisinstitute #eteladnan
A Brief History of Invisible Art
Ralph Rugoff
Published by CCA Wattis Institute, San Fransisco, 2006, 65 pages (b/w ill.), 15.5 × 22 cm, English
Price: €14 (Out of stock)

A Brief History of Invisible Art is a fully illustrated catalog with essay by Ralph Rugoff, which brings together artworks from six decades that place a pronounced emphasis on the conceptual and communicative possibilities of the work of art, while bypassing its seeming requirements of visibility and materiality. In surveying this terrain, the exhibition includes works that represent a wide range of aesthetic practices and that engage with surprisingly diverse concerns. Whether underscoring the role of the audience, mocking the theological aura of museum rhetoric or calling attention to the importance of linguistic description in cultural production, these works prompt us to see through the more grandiose distractions of contemporary art and so to think more clearly about its underlying functions.

Featured Artists: Art & Language, Michael Asher, Robert Barry, James Lee Byars, Maurizio Cattelan, Jay Chung, Trisha Donnelly, Tom Friedman, Carsten Höller, Bethan Huws, Bruno Jakob, Yves Klein, Glenn Ligon, Jonathan Monk, Gianni Motti, Andy Warhol.

#artamplanguage #ccawattisinstitute #jamesleebyars #jaychung #mauriziocattelan #michaelasher #ralphrugoff #robertbarry #trishadonnelly #yvesklein