Dreaming Alcestis
Beatrice Gibson
Published by Lenz Press, Milan, 2024, 56 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 13 × 21 cm, English/Italian
Price: €18

Dreaming Alcestis is an artist’s book by artist and filmmaker Beatrice Gibson, conceived as an accompaniment to her holographic film installation of the same name. Dreaming Alcestis was co-directed and co-scripted by Gibson, her partner Nicholas Gordon and critic Maria Nadotti. The publication features a specially commissioned essay by poet and translator Allison Grimaldi Donahue, as well as a reprint of the American poet Alice Notley’s 1991 essay What Can Be Learned From Dreams? Designed by HIT.

#alicenotley #beatricegibson #hit #lenzpress
F.R. David: Erratum
Published by Uh Books, Brussels and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Spring 2024, 320 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €11

F.R.DAVID was concerned with the organisation of reading and writing in contemporary art practice. Following and open call, this is – the very last issue – a collectively-compiled “Erratum”, or addendum [if you will] to the twenty-three issues from 2007 until now.

Edited with Paul Abbott, After 8, Alma Sarif, Phil Baber, Daniel Blumberg, Thomas Boutoux, Kristien Van den Brande, Chloe Chignell, Martina Copley, Anthony Elms, Chris Evans, Carolina Festa, Kasper Feyrer, Richard Finlay Fletcher, Ben Green, Mariëtte Groot, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Léa Guillon, Sarah Handley, Gloria Hasnay, Loes Jacobs, Michel Khleifi, Willis Kingery, gerlach en koop, James Goggin, Keira Greene, Léa Guillon, Jacob Lindgren, Kobe Matthijs, Martino Morandi, Zen Nguyen, Alice Notley, Robert M. Ochshorn, Oscar the dog, Willem Oorebeek, David Reinfurt, Scott Rogers, Andrés de Santiago Areizaga, Rosa Sarholz, Clara Schulmann, Andrea di Serego Alighieri, Sabrina Tarasoff, Kristy Trinier, Seymour Wright and Unknown.

#2024 #alicenotley #almasarif #andreadiseregoalighieri #anthonyelms #chrisevans #davidreinfurt #frdavid #gerlachenkoop #gloriahasnay #philbaber #scottrogers #uhbooks #willholder #willemoorebeek
F.R. David: “Take, Eat”
Will Holder, Andrea di Serego Alighieri (eds.)
Published by Uh Books, Brussels and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Spring 2022, 184 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €11

This 21st issue of F.R. David is edited by Will Holder with Andrea di Serego Alighieri. Seemingly more fragmented than usual, it includes contributions, quotes, found materials, and excerpts from Maggie Nelson, Charles Mingus, Octavia Butler, John Keats, Alice Notley, Paul Abbott, Bernadette Mayer, Fred Dewey, John Cage, Marion Keiner, Anne Carson, and others. An afterword by Nicolas Schoffer entitled “Microtime” concludes this wandering, inscrutable journey.

#2022 #alicenotley #andreadiseregoalighieri #annecarson #bernadettemayer #frdavid #freddewey #johncage #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #maggienelson #marionkeiner #octaviaebutler #uhbooks #willholder
At the Foot At the Belt Of The Raincoat
Alice Notley
Published by Fivehundred places, Berlin, 2020, unpaginated, 15.1 × 11.2 cm, English
Price: €10

Alice Notley is one of the most influential living poets and the author of 40 books of poetry. This poem At The Foot At The Belt Of The Raincoat was written in 1979, but has not been published until now.

Fivehundred places was founded in 2012 by Jason Dodge. With a single printing of 500 copies, each book will find itself in one of 500 places. On the cover of each book is a dead scissor by Paul Elliman.

More information on Alice Notley can be found here and here.

#2020 #alicenotley #fivehundredplaces #jasondodge #poetry
Deux Soeurs
Beatrice Gibson
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin & Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 2020, 248 pages (colour ill.), 10.8 × 18 cm, English
Price: €16 (Temporarily out of stock)

Edited by Axel Wieder, with texts by Robert Glück, Ursula K. Le Guin, Audre Lorde, Eileen Myles, Alice Notley, Pauline Oliveros, Adrienne Rich and contributions by Basma Alsharif, Erika Balsom, CAConrad, Adam Christensen, Beatrice Gibson, Mason Leaver-Yap, Eileen Myles, Irene Revell.

Deux Soeurs brings together a chorus of voices that explore representations of parenthood, friendship, and disobedience. The book acts as a reader to artist Beatrice Gibson’s films, I Hope I’m Loud When I’m Dead (2018) and Two Sisters Who Are Not Sisters (2019), and includes material that informed Gibson’s working process, together with the artist’s texts and notes used in both films.

Designed by HIT.

You can listen to Beatrice Gibson’s podcast What’s Love Got To Do With It  here.

#2020 #alicenotley #audrelorde #axelwieder #beatricegibson #bergenkunsthall #caconrad #eileenmyles #hit #masonleaveryap #robertgluck #sternbergpress #ursulaleguin