Ilke Gers
Published by the artist, Rotterdam, 2022, 16 pages (b/w ill.), 14.6 × 20.7 cm, English
Price: €6

A publication of preliminary drawings for a project at Culuurcentrum Vilvoorde.

#2022 #ilkegers
Dora Budor
Published by Progetto, Lecce, Mousse Publishing, Milan & Oaza Books, Zagreb, 2022, 112 pages + insert (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 21 cm, English
Price: €22

Autoreduction is a project initiated by Dora Budor at Progetto (Lecce, Italy) in the summer of 2021 that began with detouring a solo exhibition onto a collaborative course to traverse the itineraries of work, leisure, and consumption in southern Italy. Conceived as a companion to the exhibition, the book features commissioned texts by Noah Barker and Marina Vishmidt, with contributions by all the artists originally participating in the exhibition (Noah Barker, Dora Budor, Michèle Graf and Selina Grüter, Niloufar Emamifar, and Ser Serpas), together with an addendum by Stefano Faoro.

#2022 #dorabudor #marinavishmidt #michelegrafandselinagruter #moussepublishing #niloufaremamifar #noahbarker #oazabooks #progetto #serserpas #stefanofaoro
Cinzia Says...
Cinzia Ruggeri
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan & MACRO—Museum of Contemporary Art, Rome, 2022, 416 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 32 cm, English / Italian
Price: €50

Artist and fashion designer Cinzia Ruggeri (1942–2019) made her artistic research a tool for inquiry into the functional and semantic properties of the object and the architectural and social dimension of the body, according to an original and nonconformist perspective enriched by irony and oneirism.

Cinzia Says… is the first monograph on this unconventional figure who moved across disciplines with absolute freedom. Her life and versatile practice were driven by the desire to redefine the formal and functional status of elements of everyday life, from apparel to accessories, from furnishings to lighting. Ruggeri created imaginative, provocative, elegant, and never predictable worlds. This book is constructed as a broad, expanded chronology offering documents, photographs, accounts, and essays.

You can see more of Cinzia Ruggeri’s work here and here.

#2022 #cinziaruggeri #fashion #italiandesign #moussepublishing
Natural sources
Jochen Lempert
Published by Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, 2022, card (b/w ill.), 10.4 × 14.7 cm, English
Price: €3 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Jochen Lempert’s exhibition Natural sources at Huis Marseille, Amsterdam, 10 September–4 December, 2022.

#2022 #ephemera #jochenlempert #photography
Citational Choices
Published by La Trobe Art Institute, Bendigo, 2022, exhibition pamphlet, 4 pages with insert (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €4

Citational Choices takes La Trobe University’s Etta Hirsh Ceramics Collection as its point of departure. The exhibition combines ceramics with archival material, moving image, sculpture and exhibition design. Together, these elements unravel the biographical stories present within the collection itself—those of Etta Hirsh, of a local art scene, of La Trobe Art Institute, and now, in the case of this exhibition, everyone newly involved. Through contemporary works which engage with personal and material archives, the exhibition pays particular attention to the stories – the anecdotal and the informal ones—that don’t often make it onto the record. Artists include Anna Daučíková, Luke Fowler, Gail Hastings, Rita Keegan and the Rita Keegan Archive Project. Exhibition design in collaboration with Maud Vervenne. Curated by Isabelle Sully.

#2022 #annadaucikova #ceramics #ephemera #isabellesully #lukefowler #maudvervenne #ritakeegan
MAY #21
Published by May Revue, Paris, 2022, 256 pages (b/w ill.), 17.5 × 24 cm, English / French
Price: €15

Including Jay Chung, Claire Fontaine, Josef Strau, Alain Guiraudie, Bernadette Van-Huy, Helmut Draxler, Henrik Olesen by Thomas Duncan, Heji Shin by Benoît Lamy de la Chapelle, Marcel Proust by Yves-Noël Genod, Merlin Carpenter by Annie Ochmanek, Josephine Graf, Helmut Draxler, Megan Francis Sullivan and Nick Mauss, Dylan Byron and Isabelle Graw, Benjamin Lignel and Anne Dressen, Clément Rodzielski.

#2022 #bernadettevanhuy #clairefontaine #hejishin #helmutdraxler #henrikolesen #isabellegraw #jaychung #josefstrau #may #meganfrancissullivan #merlincarpenter #nickmauss