David Blamey & Brad Haylock (Eds.)
Published by Open Editions, London, 2018, 264 pages, 16 × 21 cm, English
Price: €23 (Out of stock)

This new volume in the Occasional Table series of critical anthologies focusses on the act of distribution as a subject for serious creative consideration and one of great social and economic importance. Contributors from a variety of backgrounds paint a picture that embraces the actions of the individual along-side the workings of global markets. From the attention-seeking impulse of the poseur to the democratisation of art and knowledge through books, digital networks, pop music, and self-organised libraries, and to the question of what can be known and by whom, the urge to disseminate is explored here as an elemental phenomenon of our time.

#2018 #occasionaltable #openeditions
Tummy Rumble (To Me, Rubble)
Rudy Guedj and Will Pollard
Published by Building Fictions, Amsterdam, 2018, 52 pages (b/w ill.), screenprinted transparent PVC cover, 18 × 31 cm, English
Price: €18

Tummy Rumble (To Me, Rubble) was originally created for the exhibition Signals From The Periphery, held at the Tallinn Art Hall in July 2017. The installation consisted of a wall drawing and a video with sound and narration. The work is a collaboration between the designer and illustrator Rudy Guedj (installation, video, drawings, book design), and the writer Will Pollard (text, narration in the video).

The publication Tummy Rumble (To Me, Rubble) puts the original text and illustrations into a new dialogue, thus working both as a documentation and a final translation of the work.

#2018 #buildingfictions #rudyguedj
Starship 17
Published by Starship, Berlin, 2018, 140 pages (colour ill.), 20.5 × 26.8 cm, English/German
Price: €8 (Out of stock)

Mitchell Anderson, Marie Angeletti, Tenzing Barshee, Gerry Bibby, Mercedes Bunz, Stefan Burger, David Bussel, Eric D. Clark, Jay Chung, Tony Conrad, Eduardo Costa, Hans-Christian Dany, Nikola Dietrich, Levi Easterbrooks, Martin Ebner, Stephanie Fezer, Julian Göthe, Dunja Herzog, Karl Holmqvist, Stephan Janitzky, Verena Kathrein, Jakob Kolding, Chris Kraus, Veit Laurent Kurz, Quinn Latimer, Park McArthur, Robert McKenzie, Robert Meijer, Luzie Meyer, Ariane Müller, Shahryar Nashat, Viktor Neumann, Theresa Patzschke, Monika Senz, Natasha Soobramanien, Vera Tollmann, Anne Turyn, Antek Walczak, Mikhail Wassmer, Scott C. Weaver, Florian Zeyfang.

Editors: Gerry Bibby, Nikola Dietrich, Martin Ebner, Ariane Müller, Henrik Olesen. Graphic design: Dan Solbach. Cover: Martin Ebner, Shibuya/Sumida, 2017. Park McArthur for Starship, Studs, 2018. 1000 magazines pierced and bejeweled.

#2018 #anneturyn #antekwalczak #chriskraus #gerrybibby #karlholmqvist #marieangeletti #mitchellanderson #nikoladietrich #parkmcarthur #quinnlatimer #robertmckenzie #shahryarnashat #tenzingbarshee #tonyconrad
Untitled #1–7
Tomma Abts
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln, 2018, leporello, 14.8 × 10.6 cm, (unfolded 14.8 × 73.5 cm), English
Price: €10 (Temporarily out of stock)

Published on the occasion of the exhibition of Tomma Abts at Galerie Buchholz, 2017. It animates the artist’s 7 part series of drawings Untitled #1–7, 2016 as a sequence.

#2018 #galeriebuchholz #tommaabts
Daniel Gustav Cramer
Published by Daniel Gustav Cramer, Berlin, 2018, 12 pages, 13.5 × 20 cm
Price: €10 (Temporarily out of stock)
#2018 #danielgustavcramer
Move Along
Ilke Gers
Published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, 128 pages (duotone ill.), softcover, 12.5 × 20 cm, English
Price: €17

Move Along is an instruction manual for open ended games, actions and interventions to untrain the body and recondition space. The manual outlines simple instructions for twelve activities that doesn’t usually require special skills or equipment.

Written and designed by Dutch designer Ilke Gers.

#2018 #ilkegers