Small White Monkeys: On Self-Expression, Self-Help And Shame
Sophie Collins
Published by Book Works, London, 2017, 96 pages (b/w ill.), 13 × 19 cm, English
Price: €13

Beginning with the image of the small white monkeys, this book examines the author’s relationship with shame through a series of short studies on, amongst other things, cats, hair as a metonym for the self in poetry and fiction, and perceptions of sexual violence. Made through research into Glasgow Women’s Library’s Archive Collections and Lending Library, small white monkeys incorporates material from the library’s archives and the work of female creators past and present, including Anna Mendelssohn, Jean Rhys, Selima Hill, Adrian Piper, June Jordan, Denise Riley, Carolee Schneemann, Vahni Capildeo and Veronica Forrest-Thomson.

#2017 #adrianpiper #bookworks #caroleeschneemann #sophiecollins
Summoning Time
Gordon Hookey
Published by Griffith University, Brisbane, 2017, 92 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €25

Gordon Hookey’s cycle of monumental paintings MURRILAND! (2015–ongoing) re-envisions the history of his home state of Queensland, Australia, surveying pre-colonisation to the present day, unravelling received versions of history and confronting non-Indigenous narratives. This publication GORDON HOOKEY: Summoning Time, Painting & Politikill Transition in MURRILAND! compiles materials surrounding the first canvas in the series, coinciding with its presentation in documenta 14. It features Hookey’s source material; an essay by Aboriginal historian Michael Aird; a conversation between Gordon Hookey, Frontier Imaginaries curator Vivian Ziherl, and documenta 14 curator Hendrik Folkerts; and a dialogue between Gordon Hookey and anthropologist Johannes Fabian. This book is published as a collaboration between Griffith University, Frontier Imaginaries, documenta 14, and the Van Abbemuseum. Designed by Ziga Testen.

#2017 #gordonhookey #zigatesten
Pati Hill
Published by Arcadia University Art Gallery, Glenside, 2017, 198 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 25.5 × 33 cm, English
Price: €35 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition; Pati Hill: Photocopier, A Survey of Prints and Books (1974–83), 4 November, 2017–4 March, 2018.

This publication considers the first phase of the cross-disciplinary art of Pati Hill (1921-2014). Although her exploration of the copier, which she called “a found instrument—a saxophone without directions,” did not begin until the early 1970s, Hill is regarded as a pioneer due to her singular approach and commitment to the medium.

Employing the copier to record items as common as a gum wrapper or as unexpected as a dead swan, she also applied the process to transform appropriated photographs for her experiments with narrative. This catalogue features twelve different projects, including Hill’s attempt to photocopy the palace and grounds of Versailles.

#2017 #patihill #photography
Elena Narbutaitė
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2017, 48 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €18

Elena Narbutaitė enjoys the nature of discovery. By offering the unexpected, she hopes to create social situations in which the audience can collectively experience surprise or confusion. ‘Alex’ is a lamp, a light programme, and an exhibition by Narbutaitė that began during a 2016 New Year’s Eve party in her Vilnius apartment. After bringing in the new year, the lamp travelled to Kunstverein München, where it was installed above a window at the foyer entrance, pointed directly into the eyes of visitors. This book marks the year-long event using text excerpted from the film ‘Exotica’ by Atom Egoyan, as well as text interventions by Bernardo José de Souza and Chris Fitzpatrick.

Designed by Julie Peeters.

#2017 #chrisfitzpatrick #elenanarbutaite #juliepeeters #kunstvereinmunchen #romapublications
WT reader: Reader, aantekeningen exemplaar
Published by Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, 2017, 322 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 11.8 × 19 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Authors: Ronja Andersen, Danielle Aubert, Joel Colover, Valentina Desideri, Jason Dodge, Olya Domoradova, Paul Elliman, Rosie Eveleigh, Eloise Harris, Sarah Käsmayr, Maxine Kopsa, Raimundas Malasauskas, Robert Milne, Josse Pyl, Nerijus Rimkus, Charlotte Taillet, Maud Vervenne, Caroline Wolewinski.

As part of Speelplaats, a parallel program of Werkplaats Typografie, participants challenged what was being offered in the school’s curriculum by introducing improvements or suggesting alternatives. Reader, aantekeningen exemplaar brings together these contributions made to the Speelplaats program alongside other like-minded initiatives by participants, guests and tutors in the shape of examples as well as reference texts.

Edited and designed by Ronja Andersen and Nerijus Rimkus.

#2017 #danielleaubert #eloiseharris #jasondodge #joelcolover #jossepyl #maudvervenne #maxinekopsa #nerijusrimkus #olyadomoradova #paulelliman #raimundasmalasauskas #robertmilne #ronjaandersen #rosieeveleigh #sarahkasmayr #valentinadesideri #werkplaatstypografie
The Debutante and Other Stories
Leonora Carrington
Published by Silver Press, London, 2017, 168 pages, 13 × 19.6 cm, English
Price: €11 (Out of stock)

A debutante frees a hyena from the zoo so that it might take her place at her coming-out ball; an artist paints a portrait of a man’s dead wife, but finds she has painted herself instead; a woman makes love to a boar underneath a mountain of cats; a chicken is roasted with the brains and livers of thrushes, truffles, crushed sweet almonds, rose conserve and drops of divine liqueur; two noble sisters wonder whether anybody can be ‘a person of quality if they wash away their ghosts with common sense’; a psychoanalyst must decide what to do with the gift of a team of Russian rats trained to operate on humans.

In this first complete edition of Leonora Carrington’s short stories, written throughout her life from her early years in Surrealist Paris to her late period in Dirty War-era Mexico City, the world is by turns subversive, funny, sly, wise and disarming.

More information here.

#2017 #silverpress