I Piccoli Pupazzi Sporchi di Pruppà
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan & Gavin Brown’s Enterprise, New York, 2017, 152 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 21 cm, English
Price: €20

Produced following the eponymous exhibition at Sant’Andrea de Scaphis, Rome, from November 21, to December 19, 2015.

Following the artists’ previous series of life-size puppets in Die Schmutzigen Puppen von Pommern, this new publication presents a collection of one hundred sixty-four small puppets.

#2017 #gavinbrownsenterprise #josdegruyterandharaldthys #moussepublishing
An Evening, Chapter 32
R. H. Quaytman
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2017, 192 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18 × 29 cm, English
Price: €110

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition R. H. Quaytman: An Evening, Chapter 32 at Secession, Vienna, 17 November, 2017–28 January, 2018.

“R. H. Quaytman approaches painting as if it were poetry: when reading a poem, one notices particular words, and how each is not just that one word, but other words as well. Quaytman’s paintings, organized into chapters structured in the form of a book, have a grammar, a syntax, and a vocabulary. While the work is bounded by a rigid structure on a material level—appearing only on beveled plywood panels in ten predetermined sizes derived from the golden ratio—open-ended content creates permutations that result in an archive without end. Quaytman’s practice engages three distinct stylistic modes: photo-based silkscreens, optical patterns such as moiré and scintillating grids, and hand-painted oil works. Each chapter is developed in relation to a specific exhibition opportunity, and consequently, each work is iconographically bound to its initial site of presentation.”—Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York

#2017 #rhquaytman #secession
WT Reader: Reader, Aantekeningen Exemplaar (bookmark)
Published by Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, 2017, card (b/w ill.), 12 × 6 cm, English
Price: €1

Produced to accompany WT Reader: Reader, aantekeningen exemplaar, 2017, edited and designed by Ronja Andersen and Nerijus Rimkus.

Featuring Moses Bruine Cotsworth and the International Fixed Calendar. Cotsworth’s. Cotsworth’s interest in calendar reform began when he was working at a railroad company and found that monthly accounting was greatly complicated by the fact that months did not divide evenly into weeks. He devised what is now known as the International Fixed Calendar, a solar calendar in which each of 13 months has 28 days.

#2017 #nerijusrimkus #ronjaandersen #werkplaatstypografie
McIntyre Parker (ed.)
Published by Pied-à-terre, Bolinas, 2017, 72 pp. (b/w ill.), 11 × 16.8 cm, English
Price: €11

Pied-à-terre is a space run by McIntyre Parker from 2009 – ongoing. This publication gathers texts and contributions by artists, curators, and writers who visited or worked with Pied, forming a subtle portrait of the project.

With contributions from Benjamin Ashlock, Kim Bennett, Amanda Gracia Blanco, Juliette Blightman, Alice Channer, Shannon Ebner, Anthony Huberman, Blueberry Elizabeth Morningsnow, Kim Nguyen, Josh Minkus, K.R.M. Mooney, McIntyre Parker, Scott Ponik, Lisa Radon, Nick Raffel, Sophia Rhee, Michael Snow, Jordan Stein, Diego Villalobos, Hazel White.

Offset printing by Gary Robbins, sewing and letterpress by Aaron Flint Jamison.

#2017 #aaronflintjamison #anthonyhuberman #garyrobbins #jordanstein #julietteblightman #krmmooney #mcintyreparker #michaelsnow #piedaterre #scottponik #shannonebner
Ce que le sida m'a fait: Art et activisme à la fin du XXe siècle
Elisabeth Lebovici
Published by JRP Ringier, Geneva & Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, 2017, 360 pages (b/w ill.), 14.5 × 22.5 cm, French
Price: €20

A both intimate and political account of the links between artistic practices and activism during the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s and 1990s in France and the United States—featuring monographic texts, interviews, and thematic essays.

This essay, written in the first person, is built around a series of monographic texts, interviews, and thematic essays, which constitutes an elective cosmology of a period of artistic and activist creativity in both France and the United States. Historian and art critic Elisabeth Lebovici discusses a variety of artists, protest organizations, artworks, and direct actions: ACT UP, “phone trees”, Richard Baquié, Gregg Bordowitz, Alain Buffard, Douglas Crimp, “political burials”, General Idea, Nan Goldin, Félix González-Torres, Gran Fury, L’Hiver de l’amour, Roni Horn, G. B. Jones, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Zoe Leonard, Mark Morrisroe, William Ollander, “The Patchwork of Names”, The Real Estate Show, Lionel Soukaz, Philippe Thomas, Georges Tony Stoll, Paul Vecchiali, David Wojnarowicz, Dana Wyse, zaps…

Illustrated with numerous archives and ephemera that emphasize the importance of graphic works in the fight against AIDS, Ce que le sida m’a fait (What AIDS has done to me) is a necessary work to understand the “AIDS years”.

#2017 #actup #davidwojnarowicz #douglascrimp #elisabethlebovici #felixgonzaleztorres #gbjones #generalidea #granfury #markmorrisroe #nangoldin #philippethomas #tonyfeher #williamollander #zoeleonard
Elfriede Jelinek: An und für sich Selbst
R.H. Quaytman
Published by Secession, Vienna, 2017, 25 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 18 × 29 cm, English / German
Price: €10

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition R.H. Quaytman: An Evening, Chapter 32 at Secession, Vienna, 17 November, 2017–28 January, 2018. This text is published as an advance copy from the artist’s book R.H. Quaytman. An Evening, Chapter 32.

#2017 #rhquaytman #secession