Die Toilette
Jon Bywater, Louise Menzies and Marnie Slater
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2013, 16 pp., 16 × 22.3 cm, English
Price: €5

The fifth in The Social Life of the Book series, Paraguay Press’s collection of commissioned texts dealing with books, and how they engage with the circulation of ideas and the agency of social situations. Die Toilette is an assemblage of text fragments taken from different books by LA-based writer Chris Kraus, conceived and annotated by artists and writers Jon Bywater, Louise Menzies and Marnie Slater. By reading through Kraus’s texts looking for traces of New Zealand, where she grew up, the three Kiwis question the representation of the distant; how it is embodied by characters, situations, language, and in the writing/reading dynamics Kraus creates. The beach, affection and love relationships, the role of the city, intense relations with wildlife–all this and more is at stake in this amazing cut-up.

Designed by Will Holder.

#2013 #chriskraus #jonbywater #louisemenzies #marnieslater #paraguaypress #thesociallifeofthebook #willholder
Kinesics of the Page
Avigail Moss
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2013, 8 pp., 16 × 22.5 cm, English
Price: €5 (Out of stock)

Artist Avigail Moss’s pamphlet is the fourth in The Social Life of the Book series, Paraguay Press’s collection of commissioned texts dealing with books, and how they engage with the circulation of ideas and the agency of social situations. Moss examines Marianne Wex’s Let’s Take Back Our Space: “Female” and “Male” Body Language as a Result of Patriarchal Structures, a book of photographs tied to second-wave feminism in Germany during the 1970s and the larger international movement at the time.

Designed by Will Holder.

#2013 #avigailmoss #mariannewex #paraguaypress #thesociallifeofthebook #willholder
Photo Book(s)
Daan van Golden
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2013, 412 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 32 cm, English
Price: €50

Daan van Golden Photo Book(s) reproduces the photo pages of Van Golden’s earlier books (most of which have long been out of print), as well as two little known photo essays, in their entirety.

The reproduction of preexisting material, the insistent adherence to a set of core elements, gestures and images, the conviction that creating different juxtapositions and interactions between those same elements yields new readings and meaning: these are the hallmark of van Golden’s work, and here for the first time they serve as the organising principle for a book, one whose patient rhythm creates the space for the logic of a practice to establish its sensible presence.

#2013 #daanvangolden #photography #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Color and Device
Gintaras Didžiapetris
Published by Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius & Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art, Genova, 2013, 72 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 17 × 23 cm, English
Price: €20

Artist’s book published on the occasion of Gintaras Didžiapetris’ solo exhibition at the Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius 5 April–19 May, 2013, as well as different versions of the exhibition which were on view at Objectif Exhibitions in Antwerp, and Villa Croce Museum of Contemporary Art in Genoa. Designed by Goda Budvytytė.

#2013 #cacvilnius #gintarasdidziapetris #godabudvytyte
Vertikal Klub
Willem Oorebeek
Published by NN editions, Brussels, 2013, 64 pages (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 27 cm, English/German/French
Price: €50

Vertikal Klub is a manual for future installations of the “Vertical Club”, a project launched by Willem Oorebeek in 1994 and which has been developing ever since. The book not only compiles in an archaeological way present and (potential) future members of the “Vertical Club”, but also reflects on the use and representation of the human figure in print media. Text and image are connected in a radical way, pushing the idea of administrative visual statistics towards the absurd. “Vertikal Klub” raises the question as to the admission policy and representational use of the human figure in dark times.

#2013 #willemoorebeek
Quiet Quality
John Knight
Published by Cabinet Gallery, London, 2013, 32 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 22.7 cm, English
Price: €22

This catalogue has been printed in relation to the exhibition Quiet Quality, which took took place in two sites, Cabinet Gallery, London, 10 October–17 November, 2012 and the Frieze Art Fair, London, 11–14 October, 2012. The format of the book is consistent with the open ended series which the artist initiated in 1986.

#2013 #cabinetgallery #johnknight