Artificial Gut Feeling
Anna Zett
Published by Divided Publishing, Brussels, 2019, 96 pp., 13.9 × 21.6 cm, English
Price: €13 (Out of stock)

If winning can only occur in a competition between equal opponents, someone who isn’t equal will need to adopt a different strategy and let go of the promise, or the curse, of victory. Anna Zett takes up the challenge in this collection of personal science fiction, registering the traces systems of power leave in the body, in its locomotory, nervous and digestive systems. Zett’s voice appears in several textual guises, addressing authority, resistance, trauma and the physicality of language. Dedicated to the feminist revolution, the post-socialist subject of Artificial Gut Feeling questions logocentric and capitalist beliefs about the economy of meaning. This book gathers together fists, guts and brains to gain a deeper understanding of the non-verbal roots of dialogue.

#2019 #annazett #dividedpublishing #sciencefiction
Mining Section (Bureau des mines)
Allan Sekula
Published by AraMER, Ghent, 2016, 96 pp. (b/w ill.), 11.5 × 16.5 cm, English
Price: €17 (Temporarily out of stock)

In mines and ports across the world, human labor sustains our industrial and globalized economies. Allan Sekula imagined and set out to realize an artwork, The Dockers’ Museum, which makes the struggles of miners, dockworkers, and seafarers visible through networks of metonymic objects that embody these workers’ imaginaries. The collaborative notes gathered in this publication accompany the presentation of the Mining Section (Bureau des mines) of The Dockers’ Museum at the Anatomical Theater in Leuven in the Fall of 2016.

#2016 #allansekula
Ilke Gers
Published by LLS Paleis, Antwerp, 2020, card (b/w ill.), 14.7 × 10.3 cm, English
Price: €3

Invitation produced on the occasion of Ilke Gers’ exhibition Postscript at LLS Paleis, Antwerp, 16–23 February, 2020.

More information on the exhibition can be found here.

#2020 #ephemera #ilkegers
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo, 2007, folder poster (b/w ill.), 24 × 17 cm (folded) 48 × 68 cm (unfolded) , Dutch
Price: €5 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition STAY IN–STAY OUT: tekeningen van A. van Campenhout en Marc Nagtzaam, 20 January–18 March, 2007 at the Museum van Bommel van Dam, Venlo. Designed by Roger Willems.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#2007 #ephemera #marcnagtzaam #rogerwillems
9 tekeningen
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2001, two folded newspapers (b/w ill.), 68 × 48 cm (x 2), English
Price: €12

Folded newspaper with drawings, edition of 300.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#2001 #ephemera #marcnagtzaam #romapublications
11 tekeningen
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2006, two folded newspapers (b/w ill.), 68 × 48 cm (x 2), English
Price: €12

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Marc Nagtzaam/Selected Works, November–December 2006, Homework, Maastricht.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#2006 #ephemera #marcnagtzaam #romapublications