Autobiography #10
Ignasi Aballí
Published by Tonini Editore, Gussago, 2022, 64 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 17 cm, English
Price: €20

Autobiography by Ignasi Aballí is made up of 64 “años” (years), one for each of the 64 pages. Casually, the artist was born in 1958, it means that he has 64 years old at the time of the publication of the book.

Autobiography is a series by Tonini Editore, published monthly. Each volume is dedicated to an artist, who is free to carry out the topic of the autobiography by means of text or visual supports. Belonging to a series, each book has the same size and maximum amount of pages (64).

#2022 #ignasiaballi #toninieditore
Get Rid of Meaning
Kathy Acker
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2022, 400 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 27.4 × 33.5 cm, English
Price: €28 (Temporarily out of stock)

American author Kathy Acker was one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. Working through an experimental and avant-garde tradition, she wrote numerous novels, essays, poems, and novellas from the early 1970s to the late 1990s. As a postmodernist, plagiarist, and post-punk feminist, she continues to inspire generations of writers, philosophers, and artists. Get Rid of Meaning is the first comprehensive publication on Acker’s work from an artistic and literary perspective. It includes previously unpublished material from Acker’s personal archive and other collections. The publication is the compilation of a multipart research project including an exhibition and a symposium at Badischer Kunstverein in Karlsruhe.

With contributions from: Kathy Acker, Eleanor Antin, Dodie Bellamy, Hanjo Berressem, Ruth Buchanan, William S. Burroughs, Anja Casser, Georgina Colby, Leslie Dick, Claire Finch, Johnny Golding, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Anja Kirschner, Chris Kraus, Sylvère Lotringer, Douglas A. Martin, Jason McBride, Karolin Meunier & Kerstin Stakemeier, Avital Ronell, Carolee Schneemann, Daniel Schulz, Matias Viegener & McKenzie Wark.

#2022 #caroleeschneemann #chriskraus #dodiebellamy #eleanorantin #kathyacker #lynnhershmanleeson #mckenziewark #ruthbuchanan #sylverelotringer #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #willholder #williamsburroughs
Rêverie, dans la pratique et dans ses formes
Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Published by les presses du réel, Dijon, 2022, 248 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 26 cm, French
Price: €37

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Marc Camille Chaimowicz: Zig Zag and Many Ribbons… at MAMC Saint-Etienne in 2022–2023, this reference monograph revisits the conceptual and sensorial developments pursued by the artist since the 1970s.

Includes a ribbon drawn by the artist as an inserted bookmark. Edited by Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Anna Clifford. Text by Marie Canet. Designed by Zak Kyes.

#2022 #lespressesdureel #marccamillechaimowicz #zakgroup
Reverie, Its Practice and Means of Display
Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Published by les presses du réel, Dijon, 2022, 248 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 26 cm, English
Price: €37

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Marc Camille Chaimowicz: Zig Zag and Many Ribbons… at MAMC Saint-Etienne in 2022–2023, this reference monograph revisits the conceptual and sensorial developments pursued by the artist since the 1970s.

Includes a ribbon drawn by the artist as an inserted bookmark. Edited by Marc Camille Chaimowicz and Anna Clifford. Text by Marie Canet. Designed by Zak Kyes.

#2022 #lespressesdureel #marccamillechaimowicz #zakgroup
Carolyn Lazard
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2022, 144 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23.5 × 16 cm, English / German
Price: €22

Produced on the occasion of Carolyn Lazard’s exhibition at Kunstverein Braunschweig in 2021. Hintertür points to the mutual embodiment of both the filmmaker and the viewer, animating questions of agency and access concerning phenomenological cinema. In addition, Lazard inverts Kunstverein Braunschweig’s spatial logic by implementing architectural interventions that fundamentally change how audiences navigate the building. In historic buildings, physical barriers to access are normally regulated by Braunschweig’s historic preservation codes. Alternatively, artistic interventions are permitted to make minor changes to historic buildings. For this exhibition, Lazard developed Remise ramp (2021), a ramp connecting two rooms, and Remise signs (2021), an alternative sign system. With texts by Jule Hillgärtner and Nele Kaczmarek.

#2022 #carolynlazard #kunstvereinbraunschweig #moussepublishing #nelekaczmarek
John Knight
Published by The Renaissance Society, Chicago, 1983, 10 pages (b/w ill.), 21.5 × 27.9 cm, English
Price: €50 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of John Knight’s exhibition at The Renaissance Society, Chicago, 1983. Including an in-depth essay by art historian Anne Rorimer. Her investigation of Museotypes, the particular piece conceived for Knight’s Renaissance Society exhibition, points to its specific implications while her consideration of related earlier pieces further demonstrates the character and development of his work in general.

A PDF of the catalogue can be found here.

#1983 #johnknight