Guest (translations)
Published by Fivehundred places, Berlin, 2020, unpaginated, 15.1 × 11.2 cm, English, Russian
Price: €10 (Out of stock)
With translations by Galina Rymbu, Georgia Sagri, Elena Narbutaitė, Freya Choi, Jakob Kolding.
Valzhyna Mort’s Guest in translation initiates a new series co-produced by Fivehundred Places and V–A–C Press, Moscow, and is designed to explore some of the outer reaches of translation. Each book in the series is dedicated to multiple translations of a single poem. Inspired by a comment from Ilya Kaminsky about how translation should open windows and not create mirrors, artists, dancers, musicians, philosophers, curators, writers and visual thinkers were invited to imagine translations from their unique perspective, using a poem as a starting point, to make a version of that poem.