Aernout Mik - Willem Oorebeek
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1997, 144 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 19.5 × 27 cm, English/Italian/Dutch
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the Dutch Pavilion at the 47th Venice Biennale.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1997 #aernoutmik #willemoorebeek
Willem Oorebeek
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2025, 304 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 34 cm, English
Price: €40 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Oorebeek’s major survey exhibition at WIELS in Brussels, this richly illustrated book presents re-readings of fifty years’ work and the materiality of production. These are numbered according to recollection, organised under headings, and translated from Dutch to English. The translations are coloured by two years of conversation with editor/designer Will Holder—accounting for ambiguity, rabbit-holes, and an [un]conscious preference for “quasi-” “ofschoon…” “enzovoort.” Repetition, alliteration, and other material, musical and metric devices are placed on the page, quite intentionally, designed “an sich” to facilitate memory and recall; complementing the book’s many scale details of work itself.

#2025 #romapublications #wiels #willholder #willemoorebeek
F.R. David: Erratum
Published by Uh Books, Brussels and KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, Spring 2024, 320 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €11

F.R.DAVID was concerned with the organisation of reading and writing in contemporary art practice. Following and open call, this is – the very last issue – a collectively-compiled “Erratum”, or addendum [if you will] to the twenty-three issues from 2007 until now.

Edited with Paul Abbott, After 8, Alma Sarif, Phil Baber, Daniel Blumberg, Thomas Boutoux, Kristien Van den Brande, Chloe Chignell, Martina Copley, Anthony Elms, Chris Evans, Carolina Festa, Kasper Feyrer, Richard Finlay Fletcher, Ben Green, Mariëtte Groot, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Léa Guillon, Sarah Handley, Gloria Hasnay, Loes Jacobs, Michel Khleifi, Willis Kingery, gerlach en koop, James Goggin, Keira Greene, Léa Guillon, Jacob Lindgren, Kobe Matthijs, Martino Morandi, Zen Nguyen, Alice Notley, Robert M. Ochshorn, Oscar the dog, Willem Oorebeek, David Reinfurt, Scott Rogers, Andrés de Santiago Areizaga, Rosa Sarholz, Clara Schulmann, Andrea di Serego Alighieri, Sabrina Tarasoff, Kristy Trinier, Seymour Wright and Unknown.

#2024 #alicenotley #almasarif #andreadiseregoalighieri #anthonyelms #chrisevans #davidreinfurt #frdavid #gerlachenkoop #gloriahasnay #philbaber #scottrogers #uhbooks #willholder #willemoorebeek
Vertikal Klub
Willem Oorebeek
Published by NN editions, Brussels, 2013, 64 pages (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 27 cm, English/German/French
Price: €50

Vertikal Klub is a manual for future installations of the “Vertical Club”, a project launched by Willem Oorebeek in 1994 and which has been developing ever since. The book not only compiles in an archaeological way present and (potential) future members of the “Vertical Club”, but also reflects on the use and representation of the human figure in print media. Text and image are connected in a radical way, pushing the idea of administrative visual statistics towards the absurd. “Vertikal Klub” raises the question as to the admission policy and representational use of the human figure in dark times.

#2013 #willemoorebeek
Willem Oorebeek
Published by Galerie Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, 1991, invitation card, 14.9 × 9.8 cm, Dutch
Price: €8 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Willem Oorebeek’s exhibition at Galeire Paul Andriesse, Amsterdam, 12 January–13 February, 1991.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1991 #ephemera #willemoorebeek
Regular Features
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2019, 272 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21.1 × 27.9 cm, English
Price: €45

Artist book with text drawings by Marc Nagtzaam, made between 1992 and 2019. Complementary to the writings, 24 artists contributions are inserted throughout the book. With contributions by Mark Manders, Louis Lüthi, Sue Tompkins, Stephan Keppel, Steve Van den Bosch, Nickel van Duijvenboden, Sophie Nys, Pierre Leguillon, Batia Suter, Experimental Jetset, Na Kim, Tim Hollander, Lily van der Stokker, Karin Herwegh, Karel Martens, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt, Kasper Andreasen, Jochen Lempert, gerlach en koop, Henri Jacobs, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Marijn van Kreij, and Willem Oorebeek.

As a continuation of the first Roma publication, SOME, dating from 1998, this book marks the 20+ years anniversary of Roma Publications. Designed by Marc Nagtzaam and Roger Willems. In an edition of 400, signed and numbered

#2019 #annemievankerckhoven #batiasuter #experimentaljetset #gerlachenkoop #jochenlempert #karelmartens #lilyvanderstokker #marcnagtzaam #markmanders #rogerwillems #romapublications #ruthwolfrehfeldt #stevevandenbosch #suetompkins #willemoorebeek