Willem Oorebeek
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2025, 304 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 34 cm, English
Price: €40 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Oorebeek’s major survey exhibition at WIELS in Brussels, this richly illustrated book presents re-readings of fifty years’ work and the materiality of production. These are numbered according to recollection, organised under headings, and translated from Dutch to English. The translations are coloured by two years of conversation with editor/designer Will Holder—accounting for ambiguity, rabbit-holes, and an [un]conscious preference for “quasi-” “ofschoon…” “enzovoort.” Repetition, alliteration, and other material, musical and metric devices are placed on the page, quite intentionally, designed “an sich” to facilitate memory and recall; complementing the book’s many scale details of work itself.

#2025 #romapublications #wiels #willholder #willemoorebeek
Sorted, Resorted
Gabriel Kuri
Published by WIELS, Brussels and Koenig Books, London, 2019, 152 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 25 × 28 cm, English / Dutch / French
Price: €39

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Gabriel Kuri: sorted, resorted at WIELS, Brussels, 6 September–5 January, 2020. Using familiar materials such as receipts, newspaper, and plastic bags, Mexican-born, Los Angeles-based artist Gabriel Kuri (b. 1970) is interested in the way that money mediates almost all human relationships.

Featuring an introduction by senior curator Zoë Gray and an essay by art historian Cathleen Chaffee (Chief Curator, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo), and four texts exploring our material world by Brian Dillon (author, Professor of Creative Writing at Queen Mary, University of London). Published in English with translations in French and Dutch. Designed by OK-RM.

#2019 #briandillon #gabrielkuri #wiels #zoegray
Jef Geys
Published by WIELS, Brussels & Jef Geys, Balen, 2013, 28 pages, (colour & b/w ill.), 29.2 × 44.5 cm, English / French / Dutch
Price: €8

Kempens Informatieblad, was a newspaper published by Belgian artist Jef Geys between 1971 and 2018.

Since the early 1960s, in addition to his interlocking artistic and pedagogical work, Geys was also involved in the production and distribution of a local newspaper, the Kempisch Reklaamblad, on whose pages he began to publish various textual and pictorial material among the advertisements placed therein. After it was discontinued, Geys took over the paper and continued it under his own direction as Kempens Informatieblad.

Functioning as an alternative to the conventional artist catalog, the issues, over 50 in total, were mostly published in connection with his exhibitions. As an information system directed by the artist, it successively developed into a kind of meta-medium within his practice, through which he himself organized his representation and mediation—beyond the exhibition context.

#2013 #jefgeys #kempensinformatieblad #wiels
Today Is The First Day
Wolfgang Tillmans
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln & Wiels, Brussels, 2020, 512 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 25.1 × 19.7 cm, English
Price: €30 (Temporarily out of stock)

Conceived and designed by Wolfgang Tillmans, and published in association with the exhibitions Rebuilding the Future at IMMA, Dublin and Today Is The First Day, at WIELS, Brussels, this richly illustrated artist’s book explores the latest developments in Tillmans’s work over the last three years. Spanning the artist’s multifaceted approach to image-making, video, performance, music and political activities, presenting newly commissioned texts from contributors including novelist Olivia Laing, historian Brian Dillon, curator Catherine Wood, and geologist Dr David Chew. The scope of the book includes over 30 pages featuring his set design for the English National Opera’s production of War Requiem, recent portraits, and detailed installation views.

#2020 #photography #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #wiels #wolfgangtillmans