Fuck Seth Price
Seth Price
Published by Leopard, New York, 2015, 124 pp., 11.7 × 17.7 cm, English
Price: €80

A provocative, moving novella about what it means to be a creative person under today’s digital regime. In the course of a gripping, headlong narrative, Price’s unnamed protagonist moves in and out of contemporary non-spaces on a confounding and enigmatic quest, all the while meditating on art in the broadest sense: not simply painting and sculpture but also film, architecture, literature, and poetry. From boutique hotels and highway bridges to PC terminals and off-ramps; from Kanye West and Jeff Koons to George Bush and Patricia Highsmith; from the playground to the internet to the mirror, Price’s hybrid of fiction, essay, and memoir gets to the central questions not only of art, but of how we live now.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#2015 #sethprice
How to Disappear in America
Seth Price
Published by The Leopard Press, New York, 2008, 96 pp., 12.7 × 18.7 cm, English
Price: €140

(First Printing 2008). Produced on the occasion of Seth Price’s exhibition at Friedrich Petzel Gallery, New York, 9 February–8 March, 2008, How to Disappear in America alludes to 1960s countercultural handbooks providing instructions for dropping out of mainstream society. Price’s book, which consists exclusively of information found on the internet, includes advice for using current technology and focuses on the practical concerns of evading capture by law enforcement.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#2008 #sethprice
Portable Document Format
Dexter Sinister
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2010, 200 pp. (b/w ill.), 11.3 × 17.5 cm, English
Price: €105

With contributions by Stuart Bertolotti-Bailey, Rob Giampietro, Anthony Huberman, J. Christopher Jones, Louis Kaplan, Edgar Allan Poe, Seth Price, David Reinfurt, David Senior and Giles Weaver.

Over the past few years, Dexter Sinister has been interested in exploring contemporary publishing in its broadest, most exploded sense. The first part of this book consists of pieces of writings written since the conception of their New York basement workshop and bookstore in the summer of 2006. These writings were previously published online as PDFs in the Library at www.dextersinister.org. They were primarily written by Dexter Sinister or by one of a circle of regular collaborators, often for their house journal Dot Dot Dot, or as supplements to other books or exhibitions.

#2010 #anthonyhuberman #davidreinfurt #davidsenior #dextersinister #dotdotdot #edgarallanpoe #robgiampietro #sethprice #sternbergpress #stuartbailey
Octopus Notes 9
Published by Octopus Notes, 2019, 272 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 21 cm, French / English
Price: €20

Octopus Notes is a biannual journal that publishes critical essays, academic writings, interviews and artists’ projects.The ninth issue brings together contributions by Ana Baliza, Tenzing Barshee, Tomas Cunha Ferreira, Alice Dusapin, Alexandre Estrela, Wade Guyton, Pati Hill, Merlin James, Justin Jaeckle, JGL, Greer Lankton, Douna Lim, Mark Melnicove, Paul Monroe, Adrian Morris, Lil Picard, Carlo Pittore, Bern Porter, Seth Price, Zoé Stillpass, Théo Robine-Langlois, Anne Turyn, Camille Vivier, Erika Vogt, Kelley Walker, and Martin Wrong.

#alicedusapin #alicepialoux #anneturyn #baptistepinteaux #bernporter #martinlaborde #martinwong #octopusnotes #patihill #sethprice #tenzingbarshee #wadeguyton
Seth Price
Published by 38th Street Publishers, New York, 73 pages (b/w ill.), stapled, 19.5 × 12.5 cm, English
Price: €60
Was Ist Los is a facsimile reproduction of a 2003 essay by Seth Price, bound within a one-of-a-kind spray-painted cover. Previously published as "Decor Holes," "Unique Source/All Natural Suicide Gang," "Akademische Graffiti," and "Depletion," it was first written to accompany Price's 2006 album Akademische Graffiti.
#2010 #sethprice