Seehearing the Enlightened Failure
Cecilia Vicuña
Published in conjunction with the artist’s comprehensive exhibition retrospective curated by Miguel A. López, and held at Witte de With from May–November 2019.
This publication gives an overview of Vicuña’s artistic practice as a poet, visual artist, and activist from the 1960s to the present day. It is edited by López, designed by Studio Manuel Raeder, Berlin, and includes a forward by Sofía Hernández Chong Cuy, new essays by Miguel A. López, Julia Bryan-Wilson and Carla María Macchiavello, existing essays by Lucy Lippard and Dawn Adès and an anthology of texts authored by Cecilia Vicuña.
It includes color and black and white photography of more than 120 artworks by Vicuña, encompassing the full range of Vicuña’s body of work: textiles, poetry, performances, film, collages, drawings, paintings, precarious objects, and activism. A chapter in the book is especially devoted to these images, which are organized in four thematic sections.
#ceciliavicuna #lucylippard #sofiahernandezchongcuy #studiomanuelraeder #wittedewith