Rainald Goetz
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln, 2019, folded poster in envelope (colour & b/w ill.), 59.5 × 63 cm, English
Price: €10 (Temporarily out of stock)

A poster with the transcript of Rainald Goetz’s presentation of the English translation of his novel Insane on the occasion of the exhibition opening for the group exhibition Hölle in September 2018 at Galerie Buchholz New York, featuring new or selected works by Lutz Bacher, Caleb Considine, Vincent Fecteau, Rainald Goetz, Sergej Jensen, Jutta Koether, Michael Krebber, Monica Majoli, Albert Oehlen, Henrik Olesen, and Heji Shin.

#2019 #albertoehlen #calebconsidine #galeriebuchholz #hejishin #henrikolesen #juttakoether #lutzbacher #michaelkrebber #monicamajoli #rainaldgoetz #sergejjensen #vincentfecteau
How goes it?
Jutta Koether
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln, 2022, envelope with 10 cards (colour & b/w ill.), 22.5 × 15 cm, English
Price: €18

Catalogue accompanying Jutta Koether’s exhibition How goes it? at Galerie Buchholz, Köln in September 2021. This orange envelope contains 5 colour plate reproductions of the paintings featured in the exhibition, alongside 5 black and white text cards with a written correspondence between Sabeth Buchmann and the artist.

#2022 #galeriebuchholz #juttakoether #painting
Published by Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt, München, 1987, 40 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 19 × 26 cm, German
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Balkon at the Kulturreferats der Landeshauptstadt München, 15 May–16 June, 1987, curated by Michaela Melián and featuring the artists; Johanna Heß, Ika Huber, Johanna Kandl, Jutta Koether, Michaela Melián, Bettina Semmer, Rosemarie Trockel. With an introduction by Gislind Nabakowski.

#1987 #juttakoether #michaelamelian #painting #rosemarietrockel
Jutta Koether
Published by DuMont Verlag, Köln, 2006, 184 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16.8 × 24 cm, English / German
Price: €65 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Jutta Koether’s exhibition Fantasia Colonia at the Kölnischer Kunsteverin, Köln 26 May–13 August, 2006 and Kunsthalle Bern, 19 January–11 March, 2007.

Texts by Diedrich Diederichsen, Isabelle Graw, Martin Prinzhorn, Michael Kerkmann and a conversation with Jutta Koether, Sam Lewitt and Eileen Quinlan.

Bob Nickas’ review of the Kölnischer Kunsteverin exhibition can be found here.

#2006 #diedrichdiederichsen #eileenquinlan #isabellegraw #juttakoether #kolnischerkunstverein #painting #samlewitt
Jutta Koether
Published by Generali Foundation, Vienna, 1991, 68 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16.3 × 23 cm, German / English
Price: €35

Produced on the occasion of the German artist, musician and critic, Jutta Koether’s exhibition Massen at the Generali Foundation, Vienna, 6 November–20 December, 1991. Curated by Sabine Breitwieser. With texts by Michaela Eichwald and a conversation between Jutta Koether and Diedrich Diederichsen.

#1991 #diedrichdiederichsen #juttakoether #michaelaeichwald #painting #sabinebreitwieser
Performance People
Ei Arakawa
Published by Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf; Artists Space, New York & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2021, 414 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 15.2 × 22.8 cm
Price: €34

This first monograph on Ei Arakawa allows a profound understanding of Arakawas complex artistic practice in general: on behalf of Illustrations, performance scripts, notes, and sketches it unfolds a kind of archive along the performances as well as the performance people the artist has worked with over the past ten years.

With texts from Ei Arakawa, Eva Birkenstock, Sarah Chow, John Kelsey, Jutta Koether, Erika Lindström & Reiko Tomii. Reiko Tomii’s talk on Ei Arakawa can be seen here.

Designed by Hit Studio.

#2021 #eiarakawa #evabirkenstock #hit #juttakoether #performance #reikotomii #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig