Always Starts with an Encounter
Wols & Eileen Quinlan
Published by Radio Athènes, Athens and Sequence Press, New York, 2019, 220 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 18.2 × 22.7 cm, English
Price: €30

Wols (1913–1951) was celebrated posthumously as one of the pioneering artists of the Art Informel movement. His distinctive early photographic work of the 1930s is however very little known. In an unusual travel across time and space his work is discussed in connection to that of contemporary American artist Eileen Quinlan (b. 1972). This book, a companion to the eponymous exhibition Always Starts with an Encounter, Wols-Eileen Quinlan, curated by Helena Papadopoulos and organized by Radio Athènes at the Museum of Cycladic Art, Athens in 2016, further explores the relationship between the work of the two artists through an indexical structure, various textual forms and inflections, different registers of images and close-up textures that act like another text. Spectral and suggestive, but also precise and factual it reflects on a circular idea of time as it wanders in the abstruse physicality of the photographic.

Texts by Quinn Latimer, Laura Preston, Helena Papadopoulos, Oliver Berggruen. Designed by O-R-G Inc., David Reinfurt.

#2019 #abstractphotography #davidreinfurt #eileenquinlan #helenapapadopoulos #josephinepryde #laurapreston #photography #quinnlatimer #radioathenes #sequencepress #wols
Josephine Pryde
Published by Walther König, Köln, 2001, 72 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 27 cm, English
Price: €20 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Josephine Pryde’s exhibition Serena at Kunstverein Braunschweig, 28 April–10 June, 2001.

Pryde’s work attacks stock photographic aesthetic by technically reworking and reconfiguring images and by addressing the conditions of their display. The surfaces of glossy fashion photographs are disrupted by the insertion of aluminium tubes, which emphasise their ‘objectness’ and their status as artworks. Colourful photoshop juxtapositions of MRI scans of the human foetus and macro-lens desertscapes are unnervingly loaded. They refer to the history of darkroom experimentation and to contemporary medical-imaging techniques. Pryde doesn’t reject the language of photographic imagery, rather she adopts it and layers it up. Her guinea pig portraits are inspired by ‘cute pet photography’ but her choice of subject conjures associations with laboratory research.

Texts by Pamela M. Lee, Pauline van Mourik Broekman and Josef Strau.

#2001 #abstractphotography #josefstrau #josephinepryde #photography
Textiles: Open Letter. Abstraktionen, Textilien, Kunst
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2013, 63 pages (colour & b/w ill.), stapled, 14.7 × 21 cm, English/German
Price: €7 (Out of stock)

Booklet produced for the exhibition Textiles: Open Letter, at the Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 22 June–10 November, 2013.

Including the following artists; Magdalena Abakanowicz, Anni Albers, Carl Andre, Leonor Antunes, Tonico Lemos Auad, Thomas Bayrle, Jagoda Buic, Heinrich Clasing, Yael Davids, Sofie Dawo, Ria van Eyk, Hans Finsler, Elsi Giauque, Sheela Gowda, Eva Hesse, Sheila Hicks, Loes van der Horst, Johannes Itten, Elisabeth Kadow, Paul Klee, Benita Koch-Otte, Heinrich Koch, Beryl Korot, Konrad Lueg, Agnes Martin, Katrin Mayer, Cildo Meireles, Kitty van der Mijll Dekker, Nasreen Mohamedi, Walter Peterhans, Edith Post-Eberhardt, Josephine Pryde, Florian Pumhösl, Grete Reichardt, Elaine Reichek, Willem de Rooij, Desirée Scholten, Johannes Schweiger, Gunta Stölzl, Lenore Tawney, Rosemarie Trockel, Vincent Vulsma.

#agnesmartin #annialbers #evahesse #florianpumhosl #guntastolzl #josephinepryde #leonorantunes #nasreenmohamedi #sheilahicks #textiles #thomasbayrle #willemderooij