Between Poetry and Painting
Published by Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 1965, 84 pp. w spiral binding (b/w ill.), 21 × 20 cm, English
Price: €180

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Between Poetry and Painting at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London, 22 October–27 November, 1965.

Artists includes: Pierre Albert-Birot, Nanni Balestrini, Thomas Bayrle/Bernhard Jäger, Claus Bremer, Henri Chopin, Bob Cobbing, Kenelm Cox, Klaus-Peter Dienst, Rolf-Gunter Dienst, Reinhard Döhl, Tom Edmonds, Ian Hamilton Finlay, John Furnival, Heinz Gappmayr, Pierre Garnier, P. A. Gette, Eugen Gomringer, Raoul Hausmann, Bernard Heidsieck, Josef Hirsal, Dom Sylvester Houédard, Ernst Jandl, Thomas Kabdebo, Jiří Kolář, Ferdinand Kriwet, John Latham, Roberto Altmann, Isidore Isou, Maurice Lemaître, Gio Minola, Roland Sabatier, Jacques Spacagna, Hansjörg Mayer, Franz Mon, Edwin Morgan, Ronaldo Azeredo, Augusto de Campos, Haroldo de Campos, Décio Pignatari, Pedro Xisto, Ladislav Novak, Antonio Porta/Romano Ragazzi, Josua Reichert, Diter Rot, Gerhard Rühm, John Sharkey, Hans Staudacher

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1965 #antonioportaromanoragazzi #augustodecampos #bernardheidsieck #bernhardjager #bobcobbing #clausbremer #concretepoetry #deciopignatari #diterrot #domsylvesterhouedard #edwinmorgan #ernstjandl #eugengomringer #ferdinandkriwet #franzmon #gerhardruhm #giominola #hansstaudacher #hansjorgmayer #haroldodecampos #heinzgappmayr #henrichopin #ianhamiltonfinlay #icalondon #isidoreisou #jacquesspacagna #jirikolar #johnfurnival #johnlatham #johnsharkey #josefhirsal #josuareichert #klauspeterdienst #ladislavnovak #mauricelemaitre #nannibalestrini #pagette #pedroxisto #pierregarnier #raoulhausmann #reinharddohl #robertoaltmann #rolandsabatier #rolfgunterdienst #ronaldoazeredo #thomasbayrle #thomaskabdebo #tomedmonds
konkretedichtung: texte und theorien
Published by Bayerischer Schulbuch-Verlag, Munich, 1972, 164 pp. (b/w ill.), 17 × 22 cm, German
Price: €11 (Out of stock)

Including the work of Jiří Kolář, Ferdinand Kriwet, Hansjörg Mayer, Maurizio Nannucci, Ito Motoyuki, Seicchi Niikuni, Timm Ulrichs, Jiří Valoch, Pedro Xisto, Claus Bremer, Augusto de Campos, Haraldo de Campos, Jochen Gerz, Eugen Gomringer, Bohumila Grögerová & Josef Hirsal, Gerhard Rühm, Herman de Vries, Emmett Williams, Ugo Carrega, Siegfried J. Schmidt.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1972 #augustodecampos #bohumilagrogerova #clausbremer #concretepoetry #emmettwilliams #eugengomringer #ferdinandkriwet #gerhardruhm #hansjorgmayer #haraldodecampos #hermandevries #itomotoyuki #jirikolar #jirivaloch #jochengerz #josefhirsal #maurizionannucci #pedroxisto #seicchiniikuni #siegfriedjschmidt #timmulrichs #ugocarrega
Gerhard Rühm
Published by Galerie beim Steinernen Kreuz Brigitte Seinsoth, Bremen, 1992, 30 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 28 × 21 cm, German
Price: €16

Produced on the occasion of Gerhard Rühm’s exhibition Liederbilder Klangkörper Scherenschnitte at
Galerie beim Steinernen Kreuz Brigitte Seinsoth, Bremen, 19 May–26 June, 1992.

Gerhard Rühm is noted for his work in acoustic art, including sound poetry, spoken word, and photomontage. In the early 1950s he developed a body of work, crossing the boundaries between many different mediums. He also experimented in drawing, visual poetry, and photomontage, using such diverse techniques as overpainting (l’essentiel de la grammaire [The Essentials of Grammar], 1962) and collage (Typocollagen [Type Collage], 1955–1963).

#1992 #gerhardruhm