Sorted, Resorted
Gabriel Kuri
Published by WIELS, Brussels and Koenig Books, London, 2019, 152 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 25 × 28 cm, English / Dutch / French
Price: €39

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Gabriel Kuri: sorted, resorted at WIELS, Brussels, 6 September–5 January, 2020. Using familiar materials such as receipts, newspaper, and plastic bags, Mexican-born, Los Angeles-based artist Gabriel Kuri (b. 1970) is interested in the way that money mediates almost all human relationships.

Featuring an introduction by senior curator Zoë Gray and an essay by art historian Cathleen Chaffee (Chief Curator, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo), and four texts exploring our material world by Brian Dillon (author, Professor of Creative Writing at Queen Mary, University of London). Published in English with translations in French and Dutch. Designed by OK-RM.

#2019 #briandillon #gabrielkuri #wiels #zoegray
Was machen Sie um zwei? Ich schlafe
gerlach en koop
Published by Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, 2020, 32 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 14.7 × 21.1 cm, English
Price: €1

Produced on the occasion of gerlach en koop, Was machen Sie um zwei? Ich schlafe, at the Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, Bremen, 19 September 2020–28 February, 2021. In an exhibition at the edge of sleep gerlach en koop display works by Ismaïl Bahri, Kasper Bosmans, Daniel Gustav Cramer, Mark Geffriaud, Voebe de Gruyter, Ian Kiaer, Kitty Kraus, Gabriel Kuri, Rita McBride, Guy Mees, Jacqueline Mesmaeker, Helen Mirra, Laurent Montaron, Melvin Moti, Jean-Luc Moulène, Henrik Olesen, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud, Emilio Prini, Bojan Šarčević, Shimabuku, Steve Van den Bosch, and a contribution by writer Haytham El-Wardany

Available to download here.

#2020 #annaikloupitteloud #bojansarcevic #danielgustavcramer #emilioprini #ephemera #gabrielkuri #gerlachenkoop #guymees #haythamelwardany #helenmirra #henrikolesen #iankiaer #ismailbahri #jacquelinemesmaeker #jeanlucmoulene #kasperbosmans #kittykraus #laurentmontaron #markgeffriaud #melvinmoti #ritamcbride #shimabuku #stevevandenbosch #voebedegruyter
Before Contingency After the Fact
Gabriel Kuri
Published by South London Gallery, London, 2011, 3 × 16 page booklets glued inside hardcover folder, (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 28 cm, English
Price: €22 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Gabriel Kuri: before contingency after the fact, South London Gallery, 29 September–27 November 2011.

Focusing on the objects and space that mediate human relationships, Gabriel Kuri explores the potential for transformation latent in familiar situations when observed from an unconventional angle. Playing with the principles of minimalism and the history of consumption, he integrates elements of everyday life into sculptures and collages. Residues of human interactions—plastic bags, advertising flyers, receipts, and tickets—are brought together with stones, coins, and cigarette butts. He questions the given tenets of contemporary culture, through poetic juxtapositions and hybrid objects that rethink the mundane and find the eloquent and the extraordinary in daily life.

Designed by OK-RM, London.

#2011 #gabrielkuri #okrm