Arte Povera: Conceptual, Actual or Impossible Art?
Germano Celant
Published by Studio Vista, London, 1969, 240 pp. (b/w ill.), 23.5 × 21.5 cm, English
Price: €140 (Out of stock)

Featuring the work of Walter de Maria, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Stephen Kaltenbach, Richard Long, Mario Merz, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Beuys, Eva Hesse, Michael Heizer, Ger van Elk, Jannis Kounellis, Lawrence Weiner, Luciano Fabro, Bruce Naumann, Joseph Kosuth, Jan Dibbets, Giovanni Anselmo, Robert Barry, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Dennis Oppenheim, Barry Flanagan, Robert Smithson, Giulio Paolini, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Alighiero Boetti, Keith Sonnier, Giuseppe Penone, Franz Erhard Walther, Hans Haacke, Gilberto Zorio, Robert Morris, Marinus Boezem, Carl Andre, Emilio Prini, Richard Serra.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#alighieroboetti #artepovera #barryflanagan #brucenauman #dennisoppenheim #douglashuebler #emilioprini #evahesse #franzerhardwalther #gervanelk #germanocelant #gilbertozorio #giovannianselmo #giuliopaolini #giuseppepenone #hanshaacke #jandibbets #janniskounellis #josephbeuys #josephkosuth #keithsonnier #lawrenceweiner #lucianofabro #mariomerz #michaelheizer #michelangelopistoletto #pierpaolocalzolari #reinerruthenbeck #richardlong #richardserra #robertbarry #robertsmithson #stephenkaltenbach #walterdemaria
Gerry Schum
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1979, 80 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 27.5 cm, Dutch / English
Price: €18

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Gerry Schum at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 21 December 1979–10 February 1980. Film maker and programmer Gerry Schum (Cologne, 1938–1973) was a pioneer in the art and media landscape of the 1960s and 1970s. In collaboration with Ursula Wevers, Schum realised for German television Fernsehgalerie; a unique and unconventional exhibition project that offered artists the opportunity to create a new artwork specifically for the medium television.

SM Cat. No 666.

Designed by Wim Crouwel.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1979 #franzerhardwalther #gerryschum #gilbertampgeorge #jandibbets #mariomerz #stedelijkmuseum #wimcrouwel
Nordhorn Westwerk
Franz Erhard Walther
Published by Städtische Galerie, Nordhorn, 1985, 12 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 28 cm, German
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Kunst Stoff Kunst at the Städtische Galerie Nordhorn, 7 September– 13 October, 1985.

#1985 #franzerhardwalther
Robert Nickas
Published by Imschoot Uitgevers, Ghent, 1990, 144 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 24.5 × 25.8 cm, English / Dutch / French
Price: €19 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition RED, curated by Robert Nickas at Isa Brachot Gallery, Brussels, 27 June–29 September 1990.

Including artists John Armleder, Barry X Ball, Robert Barry, Félix González-Torres, Marcia Hafif, Peter Halley, Donald Judd, Yves Klein, Imi Kneobel, Bertrand Lavier, Ken Lum, Olivier Mosset, Chuck Nanney, Steven Parrino, Laurie Parsons, Alan Uglow, Franz Erhard Walther, Lawrence Weiner amongst others.

Designed by Luc Derycke.

#1990 #barryxball #chucknanney #felixgonzaleztorres #franzerhardwalther #imschootuitgevers #johnarmleder #kenlum #laurieparsons #lucderycke #oliviermosset #peterhalley #robertnickas #stevenparrino
Franz Erhard Walther
Published by DuMont-Schauberg, Köln, 1972, 282 pages (b/w ill.), 20 × 24.5 cm, German with an English introduction
Price: €22 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Franz Erhard Walther: Arbeiten 1955–1969, at Kunsthalle Tübingen from 11 May–9 July, 1972.

Franz Erhard Walther is a key figure in the departure from the image since the European postwar period. Beyond the classical understanding of sculpture and painting, Walther formulated a completely new concept of work that included the viewer as an actor. Early in his work, fabric—until then an unusual artistic material—became a source of innovation for Walther, from which the “activation objects” emerged. In the wall formations of the 1980s, he achieved an incomparable interweaving of painting, sculpture, and architecture that continues to this day.

#1972 #franzerhardwalther
Diagramme zum 1. Werksatz
Franz Erhard Walther
Published by Kunstraum München, München, 1976, 102 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.5 cm, English
Price: €34

Produced on the occasion of Franz Erhard Walther’s exhibitions at Kunstraum München, 29 January–20 March, 1976 and Städtisches Kunstmuseum Bonn, 8 June–18 July, 1976.

Franz Erhard Walther is a key figure in the departure from the image since the European postwar period. Beyond the classical understanding of sculpture and painting, Walther formulated a completely new concept of work that included the viewer as an actor. Early in his work, fabric—until then an unusual artistic material—became a source of innovation for Walther, from which the “activation objects” emerged. In the wall formations of the 1980s, he achieved an incomparable interweaving of painting, sculpture, and architecture that continues to this day.

#1976 #franzerhardwalther