The Last Acts of Saint Fuckyou
Bern Porter
Published by Daisy editions, Lisbon/Paris & Christophe Daviet-Théry, Paris, 2021, 32 pages / foldout poster, 18.5 × 25.5 cm (folded), 51 × 72 cm (unfolded), English
Price: €12

A poem first published in 1975 by Bern Porter, presented in alphabetical order, with the same number of acts for each letter. This new edition presents an additional introduction, transcribed from a reading given by Bern Porter on May 19, 1985, in Madison, Maine.

Bern Porter (1911–2004) was an American artist, writer, publisher, performer, and physicist. He was a representative of the Mail Art and Found Poetry avant-garde art movements.

Edited by Alice Dusapin and designed by Robert Milne.

#2021 #alicedusapin #bernporter #christophedavietthery #concretepoetry #daisyeditions #ephemera #robertmilne
Jochen Lempert
Published by More Publishers, Brussels, 2012, double-sided offset print (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm (unfolded 84.1 × 59.5 cm), English
Price: €130

Produced by More Publishers as part of the Sunday series (#14). Signed and numbered edition of 100 (+7 A.P)

Jochen Lempert photographs the animal world in the most diverse contexts: from their natural habitat to the museum of natural history, from the zoo to the urban environment, in remote places or banal settings and situations. Lempert compiles his findings in a vast archive of images covering an ample spectrum, from common everyday views, to compositions that tend towards abstraction. This interest in the natural world as a subject has been further complemented by his exploration of the properties and materiality of the photographic image. Analogue, black and white, hand-printed in the darkroom, his photographs resist categorization and confront the canons of today’s aesthetic.

#2012 #artistedition #ephemera #jochenlempert #morepublishers
Muzikale Hel
Luigi Ontani
Published by Beethoven Festival, Vincent Vlasbom & De Appel Amsterdam, 1977, invite card (colour ill.), 10.3 × 15 cm, Dutch
Price: €12 (Out of stock)

Entry ticket produced on the occasion of the Luigi Ontani’s performance Muzikale Hel at Ronde Lutherse Kerk, 2 July, 1977.

#1977 #deappel #ephemera #luigiontani
Marcel Broodthaers
Published by Helen van der Meij, Amsterdam, 1978, invitation card, (b/w ill.), 10.6 × 14.7 cm, Dutch
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Invitation produced on the occasion of the exhibition, Marcel Broodthaers. plaques/tekeningen/objekten at Helen van der Meij, Amsterdam, 21 February–22 March, 1978.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1978 #ephemera #marcelbroodthaers
Kunst und Freundschaft
Christian Philipp Müller & Ricardo Valentim
Published by Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 2021, card, 23 × 16 cm, German
Price: €1

Invitation produced on the occasion of Kunst und Freundschaft, a two-person exhibition by Christian Philipp Müller and Ricardo Valentim at Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 30 April–12 June, 2021.

The friendship between Müller and Valentim began when they first met in 2008 at Manifesta 7 (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy). Though Müller now lives in Berlin, and Valentim is currently in Lisbon, for many years both artists were based in New York, where they spent much time together visiting exhibitions and discussing their shared interests including art history, the culinary arts, travel, design, and typography. Though they had not previously considered doing a show together, Kunst und Freundschaft was triggered in part by this ongoing friendship. This exhibition not only situates their friendship and links between their practices, but it also comments on the social networks that define and support art production.

More information and documentation of the exhibition can be found here.

#2021 #christianphilippmuller #ephemera #galerielarsfriedrich #ricardovalentim
Remco Toren­bosch
2021, 6 page leporello, 21 × 29.7 cm (unfolded 63 x 29.7 cm), English
Price: €2

Produced on the occasion of Remco Torenbosch’s exhibition of Growth, 2019 at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen for which Toren­bosch ap­pro­pri­ated a med­i­ta­tion video that he found cir­cu­lating on an in­ternet forum for stock traders. The video shows a mon­tage with a va­riety of flower fields, com­posed in such a way as to glo­rify the beauty of na­ture and ef­fec­tuate re­laxation through dig­ital de­vices. The piece ex­plores how the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of na­ture is cap­i­tal­ized on by the med­i­ta­tion in­dustry, in order to pro­mote better per­for­mance in the work­place.

The vir­tual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of flowers and na­ture and the video’s orig­inal place of cir­cu­la­tion also un­der­line the eternal con­nec­tion be­tween the nat­ural and the fi­nan­cial world: from the very first spec­u­la­tive bubble caused by tulip bulbs in the 17th cen­tury, to dis­aster in­vestors who are cashing in on the eco­log­ical cat­a­stro­phes of the fu­ture.

With a text by Sven Lütticken.

#2021 #ephemera #remcotorenbosch #svenlutticken