Published by Zak Branicka, Berlin, 2013, unpaginated (colour & b/w ill.), 20.4 × 14.5 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Gorgona: Please Attend at Zak Branicka, Berlin, 18 January–2 March, 2013. The Gorgona group (named after the mythological creature Gorgon), was a Croatian avant-garde art group which consisted of artists and art historians. The group, made up of Dimitrije Bašičević-Mangelos, Miljenko Horvat, Marijan Jevšovar, Julije Knifer, Ivan Kožarić, Matko Meštrović, Radoslav Putar, Đuro Seder, Josip Vaništa operated in Zagreb between 1959 and 1966.

#2013 #dimitrijebasicevic #gorgona #julijeknifer
(...Jevsovar, Knifer...)
Published by Le Consortium, Dijon, 1989, 125 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 22 cm, French
Price: €18

Catalogue for a group exhibition catalogue held at Frac Bourgogne and Atheneum, Dijon. The Gorgona group (named after the mythological creature Gorgon), was a Croatian avant-garde art group which consisted of artists and art historians. The group, made up of Dimitrije Bašičević-Mangelos, Miljenko Horvat, Marijan Jevšovar, Julije Knifer, Ivan Kožarić, Matko Meštrović, Radoslav Putar, Đuro Seder, Josip Vaništa operated in Zagreb between 1959 and 1966.

Texts by Xavier Douroux, Davor Maticevic, Nena Dimitrijevic, Đuro Seder and Josip Vanis.

#1989 #dimitrijebasicevic #gorgona #julijeknifer #leconsortium #nenadimitrijevic
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2014, 112 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €22

Acknowledged today as one of the most influential figures of post-war Yugoslavian art, mangelos is the pseudonym that the Yugoslavian art critic and historian Dimitrije Bašičević (1921–1987) used for his artistic activity, a parallel career he would only make public in the 1970s. Although he never considered himself an artist, he never stopped producing paintings, blackboards on which he inscribed poems, stories, quotations and philosophical manifestos, all inspired by his historical pessimism and the idea that language is infected by ideologies.

Edited by François Piron. Designed by Laure Giletti.

#2014 #dimitrijebasicevic #francoispiron #lauregiletti #mangelos #paraguaypress