The Laundry Mohr’s Life
Thomas Schütte
Published by Portikus, Frankfurt & de Appel, Amsterdam, 1989, 38 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 22 cm, German/English
Price: €22

Produced on the occasion of Thomas Schütte’s exhibition The Laundry Mohr’s Life at Portikus, Frankfurt, 17 June–3 September, 1989 and de Appel, Amsterdam, 26 August–23 September, 1989.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1989 #deappel #portikus #thomasschutte
Barbara Bloom
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 1993, folded card in envelope with two aluminium tags, 15.3 × 10.7 cm, English
Price: €90 (Out of stock)

Memorial edition produced on the 10 year anniversary of the deaths of Wies Smals, Josine van Droffelaar, Gerhard von Graevenitz, Martin Barkhuis and Hendrik Smals in a plane crash.

“This is a facsimile of a small aluminum tag which reads ‘Aanwezig’ (Present) on one side, and ‘Afwezig’ (Absent) on the other. It was found at an airport for private planes in Holland in May of 1983. These tags hung on hooks under the names of pilots who frequented that airport, indicating their presence or absence. I was moved to take one, and have had it on my desk ever since.”

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1993 #barbarabloom #deappel #ephemera #wiessmals
Partial Eclipse 
Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 1980, 3 loose pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English/Dutch
Price: €45 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the performance of Partial Eclipse at de Appel Amsterdam, 25 April–10 May, 1980.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1980 #deappel #ephemera #marccamillechaimowicz
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 1990, 16 pages (b/w ill.), 26.5 × 30 cm, Dutch / English
Price: €19 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Jean-Marc Bustamante’s exhibition at de Appel, 17 March–22 April, 1990. With a text from Saskia Bos, designed by Irma Boom.

#1990 #deappel #irmaboom #jeanmarcbustamante #saskiabos
Works and Words
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam & de Appel, Amsterdam, 2018, 92 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €9

This publication is an unedited reprint of the catalogue originally published by de Appel in 1980 as a follow-up to the international art manifestation Works and Words. The event sought to break with the one-way traffic of Western artists traveling to the East by inviting artists from Eastern Bloc countries to Amsterdam. The invited artists, theoreticians, film-makers, and art historians represented a broad spectrum of practices, theoretical approaches, and developments. Including artists such as; KwieKulik (Zofia Kulik and Przemysłav Kwiek), Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Dóra Maurer, Sanja Iveković and Dalibor Martinis, Mladen Stilinovic, Jozef Robakowski amongst others.

You can find more information on the exhibition here.

#1980 #2018 #deappel #doramaurer #jirikovanda #jozefrobakowski #juliuskoller #kwiekulik #mladenstilinovic #nelldonkers #romapublications #sanjaivekovic
Drafting futures, remembering a building
Rosa te Velde
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 2021, 288 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 17 cm, English / Dutch
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Drafting futures, remembering a building explores, connects and recalls the many lives of one building in Amsterdam Nieuw-West over the span of more than sixty years. From when it was first built as ‘CSG Pascal’, a hypermodern school building; through its near demise when it was reformed as ‘Calvijn College’; then, its designation as a refugee shelter; and to its current, temporary status as a creative ‘hub’, known as ‘Broedplaats Lely’ and home to de Appel. Plans for the future are constantly made and unmade – what will this place become? How does this building help to understand the ideologies behind city planning, segregation and gentrification? How does this building reveal the different guises of the ‘politics of forgetting’ and how to work against them?

Edited by Hannah Cheney. Designed by Bardhi Haliti & Zuzana Kostelanská.

#2021 #bardhihaliti #deappel #hannahcheney #rosatevelde #zuzanakostelanska