A communication: invitation cards by the artist stanley brouwn
Revue Faire n°04
Published by Faire, Paris, 2018, 20 pages w. foldout poster (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 29 cm, English
Price: €7

Revue Faire is a bi-monthly magazine dedicated to graphic design, published from October to June, distributed each two months in the form of anthologies of three or four issues. Created by Empire, Syndicat studio’s publishing house. Each publication documents a specific object, addressed by a renowned author, this edition focuses on the invitation cards by the artist stanley brouwn.

#2018 #revuefaire #stanleybrouwn
Mobil, autonom, vernetzt
Barbara Preisig
Published by Edition Metzel, München, 2018, 240 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €38 (Out of stock)

The publication Mobil, autonom, vernetzt, Kritik und ökonomische Innovation in Ephemera der Konzeptkunst, 1966–1975 deals with the advertisements and exhibition announcements printed by Jan Dibbets, Adrian Piper, Daniel Buren and Eleanor Antin between 1966 and 1975. These ephemera—simultaneously works of art, advertising instruments, and documentations for artistic actions—are exemplary for the communication-based, flexible, and mobile practice of conceptual art. A 2015 interview with Barbara Preisig discussing ephemera can be found here.

#2018 #adrianpiper #barbarapreisig #danielburen #eleanorantin #jandibbets
stanley brouwn
Published by Haubrok Foundation, Berlin, 2018, card, 14.8 × 10.5 cm, English
Price: €24

“Behind the standards put in place for the communication related to his exhibitions—the use of lowercase and Helvetica exclusively, the refusal to reproduce images of his work, to produce (or allow production of) written commentary on the subject of the same work, to appear in the context of a vernissage or even to answer an interview—the artist stanley brouwn builds his identity by way of ellipses. The invitation cards for his solo exhibitions provide a symptomatic example: set almost exclusively in Helvetica, the absence of uppercase, flying in the face of the graphic identity of the gallery or the host institution, they seem impossible to date, give or take twenty years”—Céline Chazalviel, Revue Faire –To look at things #4, 2017

#2018 #ephemera #haubrokfoundation #stanleybrouwn
Simone Forti
Published by BOX Editions, Los Angeles, Second edition, 2018, 56 pages (b/w ill.), 15.3 × 22.7 cm, English
Price: €13

Reprint of Simone Forti’s 1978 publication Angel. Originally produced as a document of a 1976 performance at Fine Arts Building, which included readings and the hologram Angel. With photos by Babette Mangolte.

#2018 #babettemangolte #dance #simoneforti
Marc Nagtzaam & Hans Demeulenaere
Published by Marc Nagtzaam & Hans Demeulenaere, 2018, 58 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27.5 cm, English
Price: €8 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Borrowed Space at Emergent, Veurne, 1 July–16 September, 2018. Edition of 300 copies

#2018 #marcnagtzaam
The Bear in The Mirror
Simone Forti
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln & Vleeshal, Middelburg, 2018, 94 pages (b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €20

”Iʼve gathered so many books (….), all about the family. This is all washing over me like a waterfall. I canʼt figure out the genealogy, the chronology flows like currents that wind around each other at different rates. (…). And now Iʼm recognizing that Iʼm part of this tribe, this family of writers writing about our tribe.”

These sentences can be found in Simone Fortiʼs new publication, The Bear in the Mirror—a wonderful collection of stories, prose-poems, drawings, photos, letters, notes and memories.

Simone Forti dives into the (his)stories of her family and of the woollen mills they once owned, trying to put all the myths and fragments of information into some kind of perspective.

Edited by Roos Gortzak and Quinn Latimer. Designed by Nerijus Rimkus.

#2018 #nerijusrimkus #quinnlatimer #roosgortzak #simoneforti #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig