The Bear in The Mirror
Simone Forti
”Iʼve gathered so many books (….), all about the family. This is all washing over me like a waterfall. I canʼt figure out the genealogy, the chronology flows like currents that wind around each other at different rates. (…). And now Iʼm recognizing that Iʼm part of this tribe, this family of writers writing about our tribe.”
These sentences can be found in Simone Fortiʼs new publication, The Bear in the Mirror—a wonderful collection of stories, prose-poems, drawings, photos, letters, notes and memories.
Simone Forti dives into the (his)stories of her family and of the woollen mills they once owned, trying to put all the myths and fragments of information into some kind of perspective.
Edited by Roos Gortzak and Quinn Latimer. Designed by Nerijus Rimkus.
#2018 #nerijusrimkus #quinnlatimer #roosgortzak #simoneforti #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig