Move Along
Ilke Gers
Published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, 128 pages (duotone ill.), softcover, 12.5 × 20 cm, English
Price: €17

Move Along is an instruction manual for open ended games, actions and interventions to untrain the body and recondition space. The manual outlines simple instructions for twelve activities that doesn’t usually require special skills or equipment. Move Along is written and designed by Ilke Gers.

#2018 #ilkegers
Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat zie je er toch niks van
Sanne Kabalt
Published by Sanne Kabalt, 2018, 96 pages (b/w ill.), 11.5 × 18.4 cm, Dutch/English
Price: €25

Zolang je niet zo over problemen praat zie je er toch niks van / As long as you don’t talk about problems so much you won’t see them anyway is a photobook about empathy in psychiatry. Portraits of people in conversation and observations in body language are combined with textual dialogues. This project originated during a residency in Het Vijfde Seizoen, the residency on the terrain of a psychiatric institution in Den Dolder, NL. In the book you are made to ponder the (in)ability to place yourself into another’s shoes, the absurdity of mental illness as well as the familiarity and humanity of those who suffer from voices in their head, delusions, psychoses and depression. The title is a quote from one of the portrayed patients and brings to doubt the work itself and the possibility to photograph something that is so complicated.

#2018 #photography #sannekabalt
Rieneke Minderman-Grobben
Published by Action Publishing Collective, Rotterdam, 2018, 9.5 × 14.7 cm, 80 pages (colour & b/w ill.), English
Price: €10

CHARLOIS IS CHARLOIS is the first English translation of poems by Rieneke Minderman-Grobben (Rotterdam, 1944–2018) published on the occasion of Charlois Speciaal by Action Publishing Collective, Rotterdam. Edited by Quenton Miller & Ilke Gers. Translation by Johanna Monk. Designed by Ilke Gers.

#2018 #ilkegers #poetry
Structures of Response. Adrian Piper’s Transformation of Minimalism
Helmut Draxler
Published by S*I*G Verlag, Berlin, 2018, 22 pages (colour ill.), stapled, 14 × 21 cm, English
Price: €5

Essay #5 in the series by S*I*G Verlag. Designed in collaboration with Sara De Bondt. Edited by Megan Francis Sullivan.

#2018 #adrianpiper #helmutdraxler #meganfrancissullivan #sigverlag #saradebondt
The Artist As
Aileen Burns, Johan Lundh, and Tara McDowell (Eds.)
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin; Curatorial Practice at MADA, Melbourne and the IMA, Brisbane, 2018, 328 pages (b/w ill.), 12.5 x 20 cm, English
Price: €17 (Out of stock)

The Artist As is based on a lecture series with the same title that ran throughout 2016. It was presented at the Institute of Modern Art (IMA), Brisbane, and at Monash University’s Faculty of Art Design & Architecture (MADA), Melbourne, as part of the Curatorial Practice program.

“How do artists work today? What kinds of roles do they occupy, have these roles changed over the years, and how does this impact the ecology of art?” These are some of the questions that contributors Brook Andrew, Walter Benjamin, Heman Chong, Ekaterina Degot, Hal Foster, Helen Hughes, Helen Johnson, Isabel Lewis, Adam Linder, Suhail Malik, Tara McDowell, Emily Pethick, Terry Smith, Cecilia Vicuña, and Tirdad Zolghadr, seeks to address in this reader.

The Artist As is edited by Aileen Burns, Johan Lundh, and Tara McDowell. Designed by Ziga Testen and Robert Milne.

#2018 #adamlinder #ceciliavicuna #emilypethick #halfoster #helenhughes #helenjohnson #isabellewis #robertmilne #taramcdowell #terrysmith #tirdadzolghadr #zigatesten
Toine Horvers
Published by Toine Horvers, Rotterdam, 2018, unpaginated, 11.5 × 17 cm, English
Price: €15

“Every now and then, I briefly describe the bodily positions Jo and myself are laying in as we awaken. Still half asleep, usually with my eyes closed, I try to work out our positions in relation to one another and in relation to gravity. 46 of those descriptions are collected in this book”—Toine Horvers

#2018 #toinehorvers