Marlow Moss
Riet Wijnen
Published by Kunstverein Publishing, Amsterdam, 2013, 128 pages, 11 × 17 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

This publication tells the story of the British Constructivist artist Marlow Moss (1898–1958) and her work. A series of lists with ‘facts’ is compiled from writings about and by Moss. These lists contain contradictions and gaps. In part because some characters in the novels written by Netty Nijhoff, Moss’s partner, are based on Moss, and so this knowledge has been sometimes treated as non-fiction because of the lack of information on Moss. The result is that fiction became part of reality. The publication is an alternative biography that indirectly shows how history is constructed.

#2013 #kunstvereinamsterdam #kunstvereinpublishing #rietwijnen
The different possible variations, options, additions or substractions of the beginning of something
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, 2013, 12 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Reproductions of six wall drawings made by Marc Nagtzaam at San Serriffe, Amsterdam, during the month of June, 2013. Laser print on paper, hand stapled in a numbered edition of 40 copies.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#2013 #marcnagtzaam #romapublications
Writings And Conversations
Doug Ashford
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan & Grazer Kunstverein, Graz, 2013, 144 pages (b/w ill.), 12 × 16.5 cm, English
Price: €15

This publication represents one of the many spaces occupied by Doug Ashford’s work. As the first collection of his writings and conversations, it attempts to encompass the changing ideas to which the artist has subscribed over the past 25 years. Doug Ashford is a teacher, artist, and writer. He has taught design, sculpture, and theory at Cooper Union in New York since 1989. From 1982 to 1996, his primary artistic activity was as a member of Group Material, and since then he has gone on to paint, write, and produce other cross-disciplinary projects.

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#2013 #dougashford #grazerkunstverein #groupmaterial #kristgruijthuijsen #marchollenstein #moussepublishing
European contextualising...
Remco Torenbosch
Published by Black Dog Publishing, London, 2013, 255 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 14.8 × 21 cm, English
Price: €25

Produced on the occasion of the Prix de Rome, 2013, this publication is the result of an extensive period of research into the history of the European Flag, opening up intriguing discussion on the changing socio-economics of EU nations, the disappearance of once booming textile industries and the strong individual identities of a union in flux.

Originally conceived for the Council of Europe, the successful design of the flag was later adopted by the European Union in 1985 whilst under the moniker of the European Economic Community. Designed by Arsene Heitz, a French draughtsman at the CoE, and Paul Levy, a Jewish-Belgian Holocaust survivor who worked for many years as the council’s Director of Information, the finalised design was presented to the CoE in 1955 at its headquarters in Strasbourg, Heitz’s hometown.

With contributions by Charles Esche, Mihnea Mircan and Council of Europe Archive.

#2013 #charlesesche #mihneamircan #remcotorenbosch
Gerry Bibby, Sara van der Heide, Snejanka Mihaylova, Emily Roysdon
Published by If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, 2013-2014, 4 booklets of 12 pages each (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27 cm, English
Price: €12

A series of booklets produced on the occasion of If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution’s 2013–14 Commissions.

Gerry Bibby’s booklet introduces the process of writing his novel The Drumhead and includes redacted editorial correspondence with novelist Natasha Soobramanien. Sara van der Heide’s booklet on her work Mother Earth Breathing includes an essay by Nikos Papastergiadis. Snejanka Mihaylova’s booklet about her work Inner Stage includes an annotated bibliography and part of the musical score to her performance A Song. Emily Roysdon’s booklet includes the original textual score to her new work Uncounted*.

Designed by Maureen Mooren.

#2013 #2014 #emilyroysdon #gerrybibby #ificantdanceidontwanttobepartofyourrevolution #maureenmooren #natashasoobramanien #saravanderheide #snejankamihaylova
preussische maasse und gewichte
stanley brouwn
Published by Wiens Verlag, Berlin, 2013, 96 pages, 15.5 × 15.5 cm, German
Price: €40

Artist book by stanley brouwn, produced by the Wiens Verlag, Berlin in 2013.

The book is a reproduction of the book Taschenbuch der Münz-. Maass- und Gewichtsverhältnisse, Leipzig 1851. It dealt with the entire European measurement system in the middle of the 19th century.

#2013 #artistbook #stanleybrouwn