Retour d'y voir #05: Retraits de l'artiste en Philippe Thomas
Published by Mamco, Geneva, 2012, 368 pages (b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, French
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

Retour d’y voir is the art history review published by the Mamco, Geneva. The 5th issue is entirely dedicated to Philippe Thomas: analysis (Michel Gauthier, Jean-Philippe Antoine, Robert Storr, Stéphane Sauzedde, Christophe Kihm, Érik Verhagen, Guillaume Leingre, Claire Fontaine, Judith Ickowicz, Émeline Jaret) and testimonies (Claire Burrus & Émeline Jaret, Sylvie Breton & Dominique Païni, Daniel Bosser, Jacques Salomon, Bernard Blistène, Daniel Soutif, Ghislain Mollet-Viéville).

#2012 #bernardblistene #christophekihm #claireburrus #clairefontaine #danielbosser #danielsoutif #dominiquepaini #emelinejaret #erikverhagen #ghislainmolletvieville #guillaumeleingre #jacquessalomon #jeanphilippeantoine #judithickowicz #michelgauthier #philippethomas #robertstorr #stephanesauzedde #sylviebreton
Surfing with the Attractor
Stephen Willats
Published by South London Gallery, London, 2012, 47 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27 cm, English
Price: €17

Stephen Willats has made work examining the function and meaning of art in society since the 1960s. His work has involved interdisciplinary processes and theory from sociology, systems analysis, cybernetics, semiotics and philosophy. This manifests in wall installations, project works, films & computer simulations, drawings & diagrams, bookworks and texts.

Produced on the occasion of Stephen Willats’ exhibition, Surfing with the Attractor at South London Gallery, 1 June–15 July, 2012. Containing essays by John Kelsey, Tom Morton and Stephen Willats and a conversation between Stephen Willats and Margot Heller.

More information on the exhibition can be found here.

#2012 #stephenwillats
Use of Time
Richard Tuttle
Published by Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2012, hardcover in slipcase, 36 pages, (colour & b/w ill.), 17.3 × 24.7 cm, English
Price: €65

An elaborate artist book with 18 cards, loosely bound by a weaver knot.

Richard Tuttle has worked in close collaboration with the Kunsthaus Zug as the “in-house artist” for almost twenty years. Through fragile, mostly small, subtle paintings as well as sculptural objects and three-dimensional installations, he continues to explore special features of the museum’s architecture or selected works from its collection. Tuttle poses questions about endurance and continuity, rhythm and repetition in the various cultures of contemporary global society.

#2012 #artistbook #hatjecantz #richardtuttle
A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)tics
Published by Wave Books, Seattle, 2012, 240 pages, 20.3 × 26.5 cm, English
Price: €17 (Out of stock)

Since their 2005 inception, CAConrad’s (Soma)tic exercises have been summoning the whole spectrum of human experience in the name of poetry. A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon collects 27 new and previously published exercises and their emerging poems, incorporating unorthodox steps in the writing process from the tangible everyday to the cosmos of the imagination. Together they manifest as an urgent call for a connective, concentrated, and unfettered creativity.

#2012 #caconrad #poetry #wavebooks
Tempo rubato
Guy de Cointet
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2012, 98 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 23.5 cm, English / Spanish
Price: €22

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Guy de Cointet: Tempo rubato at Fundación/Colección Jumex, 3 December, 2012–14 February, 2013.

Guy de Cointet’s oeuvre, which includes drawings, publications, performance and film, intersects many of these areas of investigation, being at once performative, conceptual, minimalist, abstract and inspired by historic events, popular culture and mass media.

This publication includes a facsimile of the script for IGLU, a play he wrote in 1977, and its translation to Spanish.

#2012 #guydecointet #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
stanley brouwn
Published by Haubrok Foundation, Berlin, 2012, card, 15 × 10.5 cm, English
Price: €24

“Behind the standards put in place for the communication related to his exhibitions—the use of lowercase and Helvetica exclusively, the refusal to reproduce images of his work, to produce (or allow production of) written commentary on the subject of the same work, to appear in the context of a vernissage or even to answer an interview—the artist stanley brouwn builds his identity by way of ellipses. The invitation cards for his solo exhibitions provide a symptomatic example: set almost exclusively in Helvetica, the absence of uppercase, flying in the face of the graphic identity of the gallery or the host institution, they seem impossible to date, give or take twenty years”—Céline Chazalviel, Revue Faire –To look at things #4, 2017

#2012 #ephemera #haubrokfoundation #stanleybrouwn