Two exhibitions
Morgan Fisher
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2012, 240 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20.5 × 28.5 cm, English / German
Price: €34 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Morgan Fisher’s exhibitions The Frame and Beyond at the Generali Foundation, Vienna, 2 March 2–29 July, 2012 & Translations at Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 23 October, 2011–5 February, 2012.

Morgan Fisher studied art history at Harvard from 1960 to 1964 before attending film school in Los Angeles and going into film. He then worked in Hollywood for several years, mostly as an editor, an experience that shaped his experimental practice. In the 1970s, Fisher created several film installations that can be described as works of Expanded Cinema. From the mid-1990s, in a further development, he turned to monochrome painting and installations of monochrome paintings.

With introductions by Sabine Folie and Susanne Titz, essays by Thom Andersen, Rainer Bellenbaum / Sabeth Buchmann, Yve-Alain Bois and short texts by Morgan Fisher

#2012 #experimentalfilm #film #morganfisher #sabinefolie #thomandersen #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #yvealainbois
An Introduction
Michael Stevenson
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2012, 262 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 28 cm, English / Spanish
Price: €39 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Michael Stevenson’s 2012 exhibitions at Portikus, Frankfurt and Museo Tamayo Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico City.

A plane is lodged in the Portikus attic to be seen across the river. In keeping with Stevenson’s commitment to producing objects that animate historical narratives, often as replicas, facsimiles or architectural re-constructions, the object will be transformed into an image through the very fragile and the most minute effects of optical lenses and mirrors, so that it appears in the main exhibition space.

With texts from Roberto Bolaño, Giovanni Intra, José de Jesús Martínez, Marilyn Strathern, Michael Taussig, Laura Preston, Mark von Schlegell & Jan Verwoert

#2012 #giovanniintra #janverwoert #laurapreston #markvonschlegell #michaelstevenson #michaeltaussig #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Piero Gilardi
Published by JRP Editions, Geneva, 2012, 192 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 25 cm, English / French / Italian
Price: €39 (Out of stock)

The first comprehensive monograph on the pioneer of Arte Povera, inventor of a “relational aesthetics” in the 1960s, political activist, and advocate of an ecologically concerned undertaking in the visual arts.

Piero Gilardi (born 1942 in Torino) is a pioneer of Arte Povera and a proud advocate of an ecological-concerned undertaking in visual arts. He is a peripatetic artist who gathered information about experimental art and creators in the 1960s, promoting the work of Richard Long or Jan Dibbets, and introducing Bruce Nauman or Eva Hesse into Europe. He is also a political activist who marched with FIAT workers in the 1970s, and who founded, in the 2000s the Living Art Park, commissioning earthworks to contemporary artists such as Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster or Lara Almarcegui.

#2012 #artepovera #jrpringier #pierogilardi #vanabbemuseum
Jochen Lempert
Published by More Publishers, Brussels, 2012, double-sided offset print (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm (unfolded 84.1 × 59.5 cm), English
Price: €130

Produced by More Publishers as part of the Sunday series (#14). Signed and numbered edition of 100 (+7 A.P)

Jochen Lempert photographs the animal world in the most diverse contexts: from their natural habitat to the museum of natural history, from the zoo to the urban environment, in remote places or banal settings and situations. Lempert compiles his findings in a vast archive of images covering an ample spectrum, from common everyday views, to compositions that tend towards abstraction. This interest in the natural world as a subject has been further complemented by his exploration of the properties and materiality of the photographic image. Analogue, black and white, hand-printed in the darkroom, his photographs resist categorization and confront the canons of today’s aesthetic.

#2012 #artistedition #ephemera #jochenlempert #morepublishers
Interiors–CCS Readers: Perspectives on Art and Culture
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012, 312 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 18.8 × 25.3 cm, English
Price: €23

An anthology that examines the poetics and politics of interior experience within the frame of contemporary art. Through diverse discursive modes—commissioned essays, conversations and talks, historical writings, and artistic projects—this anthology, the first CCS Readers volume, examines the poetics and politics of interior experience within the frame of contemporary art.

Texts by Anni Albers, Doug Ashford, Gaston Bachelard, Angelo Bellfatto, Nova Benway, Gregg Bordowitz, Johanna Burton, Theresa Choi, Beatriz Colomina, Lynne Cooke, Moyra Davey, Tom Eccles, Diana Fuss, Jennifer Gross, Elizabeth Grosz, Roni Horn, Jenny Jaskey, Susanne Küper, Elisabeth Lebovici, Nathan Lee, Zoe Leonard, Dorit Margreiter, Josiah McElheny, Helen Molesworth, Georges Perec, Juliane Rebentisch, David Reed, Lisa Robertson, Joel Sanders, Virginia Woolf, Amy Zion.

#2012 #annialbers #beatrizcolomina #doritmargreiter #dougashford #elisabethlebovici #gastonbachelard #helenmolesworth #julianerebentisch #lisarobertson #lynnecooke #moyradavey #ronihorn #sternbergpress #zoeleonard
On Performance
Published by Kunsthaus Bregenz, Bregenz, 2012, 192 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 23.5 cm, English / German
Price: €20 (Out of stock)

On Performance is the first volume to be published in the KUB Arena publication- series; it not only documents the performance project that took place in the KUB Arena in the winter of 2010/11, but also contains in-depth essays by Giles Bailey and Eva Meyer examining the theory and history of performance. Artists’ contributions especially created for the publication by Ruth Buchanan, Coming to Have A Public Life, Is It Worth It?, Simon Fujiwara, Suchan Kinoshita, Kooperative für Darstellungspolitik, Falke Pisano, and Ian White appear alongside an interview with the participating artists by Eva Birkenstock and Joerg Franzbecker, with accompanying comments by Marina Vishmidt. Designed by HIT Studio.

#2012 #evabirkenstock #falkepisano #hit #ianwhite #kunsthausbregenz #marinavishmidt #ruthbuchanan #suchankinoshita