The Imaginary Number
Booklet produced on the occasion of The Imaginary Number, 5 June–11 September, 2005 at KW, Berlin. Curated by Anselm Franke and Hila Peleg and featuring the artists Edgar Arceneaux, Trisha Donnelly, Jimmie Durham, Omer Fast, Rodney Graham, David Maljkovic, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Valérie Mréjen, Klaus Weber.
The Imaginary Number is a collection of nine single projects and new groupings of works, including drawings, installations, sculptures and video and film installations. Not primarily a thematic exhibition, the independent works on display share some motifs on various levels, mainly their concern with the complex magic of the everyday–the role of the imaginary in the way we shape and make sense of the world.
#2005 #anselmfranke #jimmiedurham #studiomanuelraeder #trishadonnelly