The Tower of Babel
Jack Spicer
Published by Talisman House,Jersey City, 1994, 170 pages, 14 × 21.3 cm, English
Price: €14 (Out of stock)

An established writer from an Eastern college returning to his former San Francisco haunts becomes entangled in a labyrinthine series of events that culminate in the sudden violent death of a respected poet. Described by Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian as “a satiric look at the private world of poetry gone public in the wake of the Six Gallery HOWL reading of October, 1955,” The Tower of Babel includes finely detailed sketches of the San Francisco poetry world and gay life as they existed then.

Jack Spicer (30 January, 1925–17 August, 1965) was an American poet often identified with the San Francisco Renaissance. In 2009, My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer won the American Book Award for poetry. He spent most of his writing-life in San Francisco

#1994 #crime #fiction #jackspicer #kevinkillian
Quill, Solitary Apparition
Barbara Guest
Published by The Post-Apollo Press, Sausalito, 1996, 78 pages, 15.2 × 20.2 cm, English
Price: €14 (Temporarily out of stock)

One of the most notable members of the New York School and its most prominent woman, Barbara Guest is the author of over twenty books of poetry and fiction. The most recent to appear is The Collected Poems of Barbara Guest (Wesleyan Poetry). Other major works include The Red Gaze (Wesleyan Poetry), Forces of Imagination (Kelsey Street Press), Miniatures and Other Poems (Wesleyan Poetry), and Symbiosis (Kelsey Street Press). She is the recipient of numerous awards, including the Frost Medal for Distinguished Lifetime Achievement from the Poetry Society of America.

#1996 #barbaraguest #eteladnan #poetry #postapollopress
Jochen Lempert
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2015, 60 pages (b/w ill.), 23 × 33 cm, English
Price: €44

Produced on the occasion of Jochen Lempert’s first solo exhibition in the United States , a major survey at Midway Contemporary Art, Minneapolis, 3 February–31 March 2012 and and Rochester Art Center, 4 February–22 April, 2012. With a text by Chris Sharp.

Images of the exhibition can be found here.

#2015 #chrissharp #jochenlempert #photography #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
The Skins of Alca Impennis (1992–2017)
Jochen Lempert
Published by Sprengel Museum, Hannover, 2017, 78 pages (b/w ill.), 23 × 18.8 cm, English
Price: €33 (Out of stock)

The Skins of Alca impennis (1992–2017) is an ongoing series of photographs depicting the extinct bird, the Great Auk (Alca impennis). Over the last two decades, Lempert has photographed 52 of the 78 specimens that remain in collections internationally—entering the bureaucracies that surround these birds, gaining permission from those appointed to administer and conserve them for posterity, and uniformly representing their profiles. The book is published on the occasion of Lempert’s solo show Honeyguides held at the Sprengel Museum in October 2017. Images of the bird’s taxidermized heads alternate with blank pages, for the still missing photographs of this ongoing project.

#2017 #jochenlempert #photography
Cathy Wilkes
Published by Tate Liverpool, Liverpool, 2015, 64 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23.5 × 17 cm, English
Price: €20

Produced on the occasion of Cathy Wilkes’ 2015 exhibition at the Tate Liverpool, the largest and most comprehensive display of work to date, bringing together more than a decade of the artist’s acclaimed work, including several of her large-scale sculptural installations alongside paintings, works on paper and archive materials.

Best known for her imaginary environments which recall poetic visions, her installations evoke places of loss or transformation. Her work is occupied by beings, often of unspecified gender: infants, elders and animals. It includes collections of objects and treasured ingredients accumulated from daily life, for example baking parchments, cloths, towels, cups and plates and biscuits.

#2015 #cathywilkes
Architectuur als begrenzing: Biënnale São Paulo 1991
Jef Geys
Published by Imschoot Uitgevers, Ghent, 1991, unpaginated (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.5 cm, Dutch / French / Portuguese
Price: €90 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Jef Geys’ participation in the São Paulo Biennale, 1991. With texts from Piet Coessens, Jef Geys and Jean Goossens.

#1991 #imschootuitgevers #jefgeys #lucderycke