Ernst Caramelle
Published by Kunsthalle Bern, Bern, 1986, 48 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22.5 × 33 cm, English
Price: €29

Produced on the occasion of Ernst Caramelle’s exhibition at the Kunsthalle Bern, 4 August–14 September, 1986.

Ernst Caramelle’s work combines both abstraction and emblematic figuration—up to the point of floral formlessness. Formats vary from miniatures to large-scale wall paintings. Thematically, these works in many different media explore perception, the nature of space, media representation, artistic productivity, and the role of the artist and his embroilment in the market and with the museum.—MUMOK, Vienna press release

#1986 #ernstcaramelle
Old News No. 7
Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda
Published by Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen, 2010, 12 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 28 × 39 cm, English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

“For the past six months we have collected and looked at hundreds of newspapers, from different countries, in different languages. In all these papers the same events were described over and over again from slightly shifted angles. Oil gushing out into the fragile eco system of the Gulf of Mexico, daily fatalities in a war without solution in Afghanistan, the coldest winter, the hottest summer, yet among those sharp voices we stumbled upon some beautifully bland images, silent messengers that reminded us of moments and places somewhere out there, far away from us sitting here, on the floor, surrounded by newspapers.”

Old News is a project about information, media and recycled, reprinted news. It is a non-profit newspaper presenting a selection of articles, images and words clipped from newspapers. The articles have all been chosen by individual artists for the purpose of redistributing the news. Old News is a second-generation, copyright-free newspaper.

#2010 #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda
K.R.M. Mooney
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2018, 164 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 14.8 × 21 cm, German / English
Price: €19

The work of K.R.M. Mooney inhabits an intermediary position between autonomous, abstract sculpture and context-specific projects. With carefully placed objects and spatial interventions they dissolve clear boundaries between interior and exterior, initiating a more comprehensive perception of objects, bodies and space that is always co-produced with the relational, environmental and embodied. K.R.M. Mooney, Carrier is published on occasion of the artists’ solo exhibition at Kunstverein Braunschweig’s Remise. It includes an introduction by Christina Lehnert, an interview between K.r.m. Mooney and McIntyre Parker, a statement by Nele Kaczmarek and a poem by Susanne M. Winterling.

#2018 #krmmooney #kunstvereinbraunschweig #mcintyreparker #moussepublishing
Elizabeth Newman
Published by Discipline, Melbourne, 2019, 192 pages, 10.8 × 17.6 cm, English
Price: €9

Elizabeth Newman is best known as a visual artist whose practice encompasses a variety of media including painting, drawing, sculpture, and installation. Writing, too, is central to her art. As indicated by the twenty-five or so texts compiled in this book, all dating from the last fifteen years, Newman’s literary output extends beyond her studio practice. Many of these texts are about artworks and exhibitions—her own as well as those of other local artists: they serve a critical rather than an aesthetic function. As such, these writings offer valuable insight into Newman’s artistic intentions and motivations, and her commentaries on the art of her peers constitute a compelling partial survey of art produced in Melbourne over the last decade and a half.

Edited by David Homewood and designed by Robert Milne.

#2019 #davidhomewood #discipline #elizabethnewman #robertmilne #theory
Once in the XX Century
Deimantas Narkevičius
Published by Arnolfini, Bristol, 2006, 56 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 21 cm, English
Price: €8 (Out of stock)

Deimantas Narkevičius creates complex, poetic explorations of post-Soviet Europe and the relationship of its peoples to the past. Often adopting the aesthetic and techniques of documentary filmmaking, he employs interviews, archive footage, animation and still photography to grapple with questions about our political and moral obligations to history, memory and society. Although rooted in the history of his native Lithuania, Narkevičius’s films find a wider resonance as deeply intimate studies of ordinary lives lived at times of remarkable turmoil and change.

This publication is produced on the occasion of Narkevičius’s first solo exhibition in the UK and features an interview with the artist by Martin Clark.

#2006 #deimantasnarkevicius
No One’s Voice
Florian Pumhösl
Published by Rhombus Press, New York, 2016, 40 pages (colour ill.), 14.2 × 22.1 cm, English
Price: €22 (Out of stock)

Florian Pumhösl processes the tropes of art, architecture and graphics of the modernist avant-garde to create new aesthetic systems through painting, film and installation. He addresses the legacy of modernism through its canon of abstract visual language, from utopian architectural plans and buildings to innovations in publishing, the politics implicit in exhibitions and the motifs of early experimental filmmaking.

This particular body of work furthers the artist’s involvement with cartography and territorialization. The reliefs originate from stamp drawings of simple linear and rectangular progressions, and are made by pouring plaster into silicone molds; however, the initial forms are hand-constructed, and the final works hand-painted.

Designed by Martha Stutteregger.

#2016 #florianpumhosl #marthastutteregger